Jily Part 18

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They descended the train with the others, their hands linked between them, their shoulders brushing. James was towing Lily’s trunk with his free hand while Sirius lugged James’ with his own, yet he didn’t complain, for he knew the occasion was a touchy one.

They pushed their way through the throng of parents and students searching the crowd for familiar faces. Sirius turned to them a huge grin on his face and pointed towards the back wall. There stood James’ parents with Lily’s; it was a strange sight to see Mr. Potter talking to Mr. Evans but it pleased James immensely.

But it wasn’t time yet, James turned towards Peter, his face in a grin.

“Peter, don’t go getting in too over your head this summer, do something worthwhile and I hope to see you in the Order.” Peter took a step forward and embraced James, although he was short, he reached his hand up and pat him on the shoulder, a huge grin on his face.

“Have a good one James.” He then gave them a last wave and turned on his heels before disappearing into the crowd. Lily smiled after him, hoping he really did have a good summer and that she might see him again.

Remus was next and Lily could start to feel the pinpricks behind her eyes.  He shook James’ hand, a bit overly formal and James pulled him into a bone crushing hug, letting go of Lily’s hand. Remus gave a groan and pat James on the back.

“I’ll miss you Jamesey.”

“Oh shut up Remus, you’ll be over at my house before you know it.” Remus grinned and gave Lily a small wink before stepping forward and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

“I hope to see you at James’ this summer too. He needs you in his life; you make him a decent person.” He looked at James when he said this then added, “Not like he wasn’t before, but you get what I’m saying.” Lily smiled up at him, the friend she had made over the years, the person she could trust her life with, besides James that is, and a friend she knew she could rely on.

Before Remus could let go of her shoulder Lily pushed herself onto her toes and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, a tear escaping her eye.

“Thanks for everything Remus.”

“It was a pleasure Lily.” He gave her one last smile and James one last smack on the shoulder before running off into the crowd.

Lily turned to Sirius, the last to go, the most loyal person she had ever met, and went straight into his arms, her tears falling freely now.

“Head up Lily, you will see me again, I’m not going anywhere.” He pat her on the head then turned to James. They had a silent conversation, and then Sirius pulled James into his arms, his hands clapping him on the back. “I don’t know why I’m like this, I’ll end up at your doorstep within a few days but I don’t know why I feel like something will be happening soon.” James held Sirius out at arm’s length and curled up the side of his mouth into a grin.

“I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you. I’m sure mum will be happy to have you for dinner in a few days.”

“I’ll be there.” Sirius laughed and then squeezed through the crowd, both trunks dragging behind him, towards James’ parents.

Lily swallowed; she couldn’t believe the school year was over and that they were to begin lives as adults now. She wiped her eyes, the tears were falling faster now, and she couldn’t bear to say goodbye to James. She closed her eyes and let the tears spill over her cheeks, surprised when James pulled her towards him, crushing her to his chest, his arms wrapped around her shoulders.

Lily sobbed harder; she couldn’t hold it in any longer. James rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.

“Lily, we aren’t leaving each other. Really we aren’t we will be seeing each other again, trust me, this isn’t goodbye. There will never be a goodbye between us.” Lily pulled back in his arms and looked up at his face, her green eyes shining behind her tears.

James lifted his hands to each side of her face and brushed the tears away with his thumbs, his eyes full of emotion. Lily placed her hands over James’ and stretched on her toes as James bent down and crushed his lips onto hers.

He kissed her passionately, the hands that were on either side of her face moving into her hair and down her back before landing at her waist where he lifted her from the ground where Lily proceeded to wrap her arms around his neck, her fingers tangling in his messy dark hair.

When James set Lily back on the ground it wasn’t just Lily that was crying, tears were falling from his eyes behind his glasses and down onto his coat. Lily reached up and wiped them away before planting a kiss on his cheek.

“This isn’t goodbye.” She whispered to him. He smiled down at her, the tears falling again.

“C’mon Lily, we best get you to your parents.” He stole her hand from his face and linked his fingers with hers.

“I better introduce you well; my dad might kill you on sight for not asking permission to date me first.” James chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

“I’m a pro at first impressions trust me.” Lily laughed and squeezed his hand in hers as they drew near.

“Mr. and Mrs. Evan’s it’s nice to finally meet you, I’m James Potter, then man that is madly in love with your daughter.” James hid the smile on his face while Lily just covered her mouth with her hand, not believing what she had just heard.

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