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It had been a few years since they had married, James had gotten a job in the ministry and Lily had soon after gotten pregnant. Their married life so far was filled with romantic nights in front of the fireplace and quiet trips to their small house’s library in the living room, where they remembered their times in the Hogwarts Library.

Once Lily found out she was pregnant a prophecy was made about her unborn child and Dumbledore had created a safe place where they would be able to live peacefully, away from the threat that was placed on their safety. Although they feared for their life, they knew that if Dumbledore had chosen the place then it would be safe.

The moving day came and it proved to be more difficult than they had originally thought, the threat had grown exponentially and James had had to pick a secret-keeper so as to be able to live safely in their new home. The secret-keeper was chosen and they moved in with ease.

That evening the Potters and their friends sat comfortably in the living room of their new house enjoying each other’s company.

James sat on the couch, his feet resting on a box on the floor and Lily sat next to him, her head on her shoulder, her hand on her swollen belly. James reached over and placed his hand next to hers where they felt the small kicks of their baby inside of her.

Sirius sat in an armchair on the other side of the room, a beard had grown, but his smile stayed the same as he watched the two with fondness.

“James, I still can’t believe you married Lily. You followed her around for years on end begging her to go out with you when she wouldn’t even give you the time of day and yet here you are,” He waved his hand at them, “married and with a baby on the way.” James chuckled and felt the baby kick under his hand.

“Oh yeah Sirius, we have something we’d like to ask you.” Lily sat up in her spot on the couch and smiled at him.

“I’m not in trouble am I?” he held his hands up in the air, a huge smile on his face.

Lily shook her head and turned to James.

“Would you like to do the honors?” James waved his hand in front of them and kissed her on the cheek. “Alright. Sirius, James and I, well we discussed things and we would really love it if you would like to be the baby’s godfather.” Sirius’ jaw dropped and he blinked slowly.

“Lily, James.” He sat back in his seat, and his mouth turned up into a gentle smile. “I’d be honored to.” He reached forward and placed his hand on Lily’s belly.

“The little tyke will have the best Godfather ever.”

How it began: A Jily FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now