Chapter 15 - Blood and Ashes

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  • Dedicated to Kiera Cass, your book is awesome!

It was the day of the funeral. It was sad, like most was. But it gave me the strength to fight back and the urge for revenge.

My brothers and sisters never stopped crying. It's a shame that they lost something before spending time with it. Eddie wrapped his arm around me. I leaned my head to his shoulder.

He cupped my face but I can't look at him. The last time I looked at the mirror, I was a complete disaster. Bloodshot eyes and a few scars. Make-up didn't help either.

Dad's casket was burried to the ground, flowers were offered and tears were dried up.

When everyone was gone, I aksed Eddie to give me some time alone and that's when Apoy appeared before me.

" You look- "

" -terrible. I know, " I said, cutting him off.

" I'm very sorry for your loss. He was a great man and a great friend. "

" Mmm-hmm. " I didn't know what to say actually.

After seconds of silence, he bent over my Dad's grave and offered some flowers. I carefully scanned them. It was beautiful. It's color was ... like flames and it appeared just like them.

" Many will die if you don't make a move. Our planet will offer as many reinforcements as we could. "

The war.

Yes, the war isn't over yet.

" I got to tell the others. Thanks, " I said before running back to where everybody went. Eddie's car was still waiting for me.

Mr. Villana was sitting in the back seat to my suprise. 

" Suprised? " He smirked.

" Yeah. I need to talk to you about- "

" The plan? No need to worry. I got it all planned. The question is when? "

" Now. "

" Alright. " Mr. Villana was still taken aback but he still agreed afterwards. 

When we arrived back at the lab, everyone was preparing. Guns and all kinds of weapons everywhere. The smile was never taken away from my face. I gripped the necklace dangling on my neck.

" On your command, Ma'am. " Mr. Villana asked.

I nodded. " Let's go. "

( A/N: Play awesome music here XD )

By the time we reached the city limits. Thousands of soldiers were already in line. They were from the military and navy. The highly trained ones against a rebellion that joined us. 

I jumped off the top of the car and rolled off. The others did the same as they fired missiles at us. Ha! Fight fire with fire. Thanks to Carly's Dad we managed to get bombs, and nuclear weapons as well. 

One of our men released a smoke bomb that gave me the chance to escape.

God bless. I mouthed as I ran towards a tunnel. I stabbed a few people on the way and found the way out. Luckily, I took the right way in.

Tsk. I knew it. The robots were inside the walls. They're saving the best for last.

The robots were huge. Almost scary. I gripped into my sword. I kept my head low trying not to get attention.


I was pushed to the ground and happily caught the attention of the robots. Oh great. The man took his knife but I managed to topple him over. 

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