16. The Comeback

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She slowly watche the hand watch, it was almost 11 Am. For some reasons it was super cold that day, even though it was summer. Grace had to walk an extra ten to fifteen minutes before getting in front of the police station. She breatheddeeply , then opened the police door station. She was in stress beacuase of the crimes she did commit , and now she was voluntarily steping into the city's police station.

"Don't forget , I'm doing this only for the sake of Dan. I need to know how and why he so mysteriously died last night ... and that pistol shot , how could have done that ? Italian mafia , no , anyone else , no I don't think so. But what about that pistol shot ? Head ? Was he first been shot then of course the car lost control. Or it might be that someone wanted him dead , so after the car crushed , they they shot him in the head , or whenenver the did. Now where do I need to go ?" Grace was thinking when a short old fat man appeared in front of her , dressed in a police suit.

"Stop right there hot lady !" The short man said to Grace.

'What in the actual HELL !!!' "Shut up old man , I know we're in a police station here but don't think I'll tolerate yor behavior! " Grace said to the old man 'Gosh, what is this world.'

"Even though your boyfriend is dead , you still stay closed to others , what a nice girl." The little pervert said while still watching grace jeans , the upper part of jeans. "You got a nice ass lady. "

'Don't do anything crazy here at the police station Grace , just don't' "Don't you dare talk about that again! Now , where is Dan's body. I would be more glad if some other officer would take me there."

"Why , you dont like me? Anyway , I'm okay with that , go to that guy over there , he is in response for dead bodies " The perver rolled his eyes over Grace one last time , then left.

'Thank gooood , hope this other guy isnt like him.' "Mmmm , heeey ?" Grace said to the other guy. A nice young guy , about age of 19 , dark brown and short hair.

"Oh sorry , I didn't notice you at all. I'm Peter Palin at your service , better call me Pp, that's what the whole station calls me. I don't know why am I saying these things to you." Pp said.

"Haha , it's okay. But i'm here for someone, a guy who had an accident last night , and he was shot.." Grace was talking.

"Ah Danielson , yeah , he is in the bodies room. Are you his girlfriend, cuz by the rrecords we have , he doesn't seem to have parents , nor other type of blood related person ?" Pp said.

"Yeah , I am" Grace got a little sad, but only one tear isn't consider crying , no ? "Well thanks , do I have the premmssion to go there and see his dead body?"

"Yeah you do , but I'll have to come with you, don't ask me, security stuff" Pp said while moving towards the room.

They walked into the room , Pp turned the lights on , after that , he walked for about 10 meters (about 3 feet for any american reader). Dan's body was coverd , Pp slowly revealed his head , later on his full body. there wasn;t blood on the head , but the neck , the back part of the neck was hit by a 9mm bullet. Grace started droping tears when she saw Dan dead. But the neck kill reminded her of something, so that she immidiately stoped.

'If he is back , oh my god no! I thought that he was dead , the accident , no , noooo , he can't be back ! The 9mm bulet on the neck , he killed Dan , I need to tell this to the group!' "No!" Grace said.

"I know how you feel miss. Grace , it's not hard to lose a person in that way , but we are investigating here , we'll find the killer , if you can help us identify the person behind this ..." Pp was talking but he was interrupted.

"I don't know who did this , but be sure to check it out I'm leaving , I don't want to stay here.I'll pay for his funeral." Grace said.

"I'm afraid we need to do some more examinations before we can bury his body" Pp continued.

"Not a problem, but I need to go." After finishing this sentence Grace left the room , and got out of the police station fast-walking.

'I swear if it is Zac , i'll pull his head out with my bare hands. First he betray us, then burn our Headquarter , then without any option left , alomst killed himself , but the news said he was dead , there were found 3 bodies on that truck ... only if he killed 3 people that day , DAMN' She was thinking all these while running to go as fast as she could to the headquarter. 'His favorite way of killing , a bullet in the neck , obviously it's him , but why Dan , how , maybe he's tracking us, oh god why do I know so little , I need more Info , WE NEED MORE INFO !!!'

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