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"First aid is just over there" Elliott said while pointing towards the car "who are these guys ?! What do they want , were they armed? Are there more or just these two ?

"Well I think ... " Eric tries to talk.

"They are the Italian Mafia, I heard them talking italian and " Henx completes the sentence for Eric.

"Italian mafia ?!"John and Elliott said in the same time , they were surprised and confused.

"I'll explain this when we get somewhere safe ... like the HQ for example. It's just an idea i have why they were there, okay ?" Eric finally talked.

The boys were getting the first aid ... Jack was watching carefully for any suspicious person on the road ... as for Elliott , he was driving as fast as possible. Henx and Eric were a little scared of what the Italians could do after that. After 10 long minutes finally Elliott stopped the car near the HQ.

"Go , go , go ! They might me tracking us, we shouldn't be noticed "Jack said while still making his eyes four.

"We are coming" Elliott said while helping Henx to walk faster while only using one leg.

Jack opened the grey door of the HQ ( remember the Red door Dan said :P ) All members got inside the HQ , as for Dan, he was there with Grace waiting for the others. All crew members sat down and stared each other in the eyes . It wasn't that kind of a great image to see Henx and Eric beaten that hard. Dan was the first one to ask .

"Who are they ... are they only a few or are they a band ... what did they want ?!" Dan asked while punching the table and raiseing his voice noticeably.

"Let me explain ... this is in dome ways our fault ... Eric met a girl at the sex club called Paula ... it's all okay by now ... but the idea is that ..." Eric interrupted Henx.

"What Henx is trying to say is that I kinda liked Paula and wanted to meet her outside the SC , but as you can imagine Paula is from Italy and she came here illegally ... the Italian mafia maybe want me dead because before 2 days I wanted to get out with her ... which I did , it was a normal date ... but still , I dated her without the permission of their Family leader ... a guy called Giono as I know ." Eric finished.

"Giono Pordobleno to be correct. It's just that i have seen his archive online and this is the guy we are talking about , i think. Eric is right ... and we didn't know they were waiting at the SC ... that's why we were unprepared ... oh and I didn't use my gun because I knew they were much more than just us ... so I pretended I was unarmed ... Eric was really unarmed sooo ... you get the idea now " Henx finished the word.

"Well , we need to kill Giono now ?! Or do we need to pay them ?! Or maybe you just need to forget Paulina for now ... we need to kill someone" Elliott said "and the kill is requested by a politician ... so you can call this political assassination .

" I'll do it. " Eric volunteer.

"We picked you Eric even before asking you." Jack explained.

"Okay ... Jack will explain you what to do." Elliott said.

Grace spend her whole day caring after Eric's face and Henx's leg.
"Ah , boys are unbelievable" She thought to herself.

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