chuck x reader pr. 1

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You walked around aimlessly in your local book/ comic shop. You where in need of something to read. Your close friend had told you she was in a book so you when to check that out. You had known Charlie for the longest bit hadn't seen much of her lately. She said some type of important job she had to travel for. You went up to the store clerk. " um, excuse me?" you asked shyly.

He glanced up from his comic and smiled. " wow. Haven't seen a pretty girl like you in here in the longest" he chuckled with a snort.

You chuckled. " thank You. But do you by any supernatural books?"

The short balding man nodded excitedly. " sure do! Just got the newst one in last week! It's really good. God got a love interest~" he cooded like that was the most normal sentence ever. You looked at the cover. The girl on it kinda looked like you.

" I'll take it!" you smiled slapping your money into his hands and Darting off.
You didn't know why but you where pretty excited to read this damned book.

Once at home you got comfy and cracked the book open. Soon you where lost in the marvouls tales of sam, dean and castiel. You kept reading, soon you came to the part where ' god's' love interest came in. She had the same name as you and, from what the book said, looked like you. You had to find out what the hell was going on.

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