chuck x reader

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imagine chuck trying to ask you out
(( warning: strong language. But if you watch supernatural you can't complain lol.))

A long dramatic sigh escaped your lips as you sat in the impala. You where on look out with the Winchesters and as of yet nothing had happened. You guys where hunting a ghost, a nasty one too.  Dean looked around from the front seat once something caught his eye, well someone. " dammit!" He his under his breath.

Sam gave him a look and dean pointed to a certain writer that wasn't supposed to be there. You smiled slightly. Dean turned his body to look at you. " hey (y/n) ! Go get your boyfriend. He's going to fuck up the whole hunt!" he said the word 'boyfriend' with a teasing smirk. You frowned at him, I mean sure you liked him and all. You guys had hung out a lot till he hooked up with Becky. Sure you guys talked once in a while but that was that. You gave him a glare.

" he's not my boyfriend," you said  stepping out of the car to retrieve chuck.

" not yet!" He called out and Sam punched Dean's shoulder. You laughed before jogging up to chuck to catch up. You tapped his shoulder making the small man jump. You chuckled once you saw him let his guard down.

" chuck what are you doing?" You asked him . he rubbed his arm awkwardly.

" I just needed to Get some of my stuff from Becky's apartment." He sadly smiled. Oh, that just broke your heart.

" you can't. You'll put our whole hunt at risk. Come on" you said taking his hand. His face twitched slightly.

" 'our'? " he asked softly, eyebrow raised. You looked at him.

" ya know. Me and the Winchesters ya dingnut " you smiled at him softly. He only nodded as you lead him along. Dean saw you guys coming over and smirked, oh you had a bad feeling about this. 

You opened the door and he stepped in you sat in after him. You smiled at him once more , then dean coughed. Here it comes, you thought miserably.

" so chuck," dean spoke " how have you been, hm?". Chuck shifted awkwardly in his seat.

" ah, not m-much. Just, um, moving back into my place." He responded not looking at the older Winchester.

" things did work out with Becky?" Sam pipped in. Chuck just nodded in response. You smiled to yourself ever so slightly, but it didn't go unnoticed by dean. Fuck. Dean stared up the car again and drove. You raised a brow.

" where are we going? You found where the body was?" You asked .

" yup. And its not far from here." Sam smiled over at you. You smiled back at him nodding. Though you missed it, Chuck's face twisted slightly with jealousy.

You got the graveyard rather quickly. The Winchesters and shurly excited the car as you went around back getting the Salt and shovels.

You, sam and dean Started digging and you guys put Chuck to work . he put a salt ring around the grave and gave you guys a thumbs up.

You salt and burned the body with hardly any trouble. Thank god.

Sam and dean had little trouble getting out but you did. You for got you where short.  Dean laughed as you tried to get out. Chuck felt bad and helped you out.

" thank you" you said patting some dirt off your flannel. Chuck just kinda watched you for a moment. You looked at him and chuckled snapping him back to reality. " what are you looking at?" You asked.

" the most beautiful girl I know" he said dreamily. You blushed and sam smiled. He ship the hell out of you two. Dean gagged .

Chuck realized what he said and covered his face. " oh gosh I'm so sorry!" He muttered into his hands. You moved his hands and kissed his check.

" don't be" you smiled. With that chuck to a deep breath as if to gather his courage. Sam's smile grew, he knew his ship was coming true.

" so uh, ( y/n) I was wondering.... If you'd um, ya know. G-go out with me or something. You don't have to if you don't want to it_" you threw your arms around him and kissed him. He was scocked at first but kissed back. Dean chuckled.

" Whooo! ( y/n) ! Get some!!!" He cheered. You pulled away and blushed. Chucked kept his arms around you as you cursed dean out.
You knew you would never hear the end of this.

( yay! Update! So can you guys leave suggestions so I can kept writing! Thanks!)

supernatural imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora