sammy x reader

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(( have some super fluff. ))
imagine sam and you dancing together alone at the bunker

You where sure you where alone today. All the boys had gone out to celibate a though kill gone right, of once. Looking around you eyed an old record player in a corner. Smiling you walked over placing an old frank Sinatra record on the player. Fly me to the moon. I love this song , you thought happily as you danced your way into the kitchen. Your back was to the door so you fail to notice a moose had entered the bunker.
"Sinatra?" Sam almost whispered to the air. He looked around and noticed your dancing form. He smiled and sung the next line causeing you to jump slightly.
"Sammy!" You said stocked. " I thought you where out." He just chuckled and slightly danced over to you.
" you are all I worship and Adore" he sung out causing you to blush. He took your hand in his much larger one and placed your other hand on his shoulder. Soon it was just the two of you dancing to frank in the dimly lit bunker. You rested your head on his chest as you guys swayed about. His heart beat seemed to match the songs tempo perfectly.
" in other words darling kiss me " you sung beautifully. He smiled softly taking his finger to tilt your chin up. A deep blush spread across your face. He leaned in placing a soft , romantic kiss on your lips. You had just completely melted to the kiss when sam pulled away. Still swaying you he pulled you closer.
" why are you back so early?" You asked him.
" wanted to tell you something." He said as he dipped you. Your eyes widen with scock. What's gotten into him tonight?, you thought. He picked you back up and spun you. You giggled as he pulled you close once more. he lent in close to your ear "I love you" he whispered. With that, you pulled his face to yours and kissed him. He wasn't sure what to do at first but kissed back wrapping both his arms around your waist. You mentally cheered, everything was coming together. You both pulled away and just swayed for awhile long after the music stopped. Everything was perfect till you heard The bunker door open.
" sh. If you look to your left you can see to nerds during mating session." Dean said. Cas tilted his head and sam chuckled followed by a ' shut up '. Dean just laughed taking cas's hand walking off to his room. What a perfect night.

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