Crowley x reader

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Who knew the king of hell was so sweet

You slept peacefully. Surprising really. Due to the simple fact you lived with Crowley, your little Crow. You see, it can be hard to sleep when all you hear are blood curdling screams and pleas for ones life. Living with Crowley was great, most of the time. But, you shift in your sleep to find a lovably warm surprise, crowly.

It was unusual because he was always out and about the house coming up with plans or torturing people to extract information he needed. You opened a sleepy eye to see Crowley , looking rather handsome, reading a book in dark red silk pajamas. Typical, you thought. "Morning my king" you say getting up rubbing your eyes.

"Ah! Morning,love! " he said placing his book down on his night stand. You smiled at him before placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "You seem to be in a good mood this morning." He chuckled
"Yeah 'cuase I get to wake up next to you" you cooed getting up, and walking to the kitchen.
"Where are you going my queen?"
"To make breakfast ! " you almost yell to him, but to your shock breakfast is already made and the table set beautifully. "Crowley?" You asked raising a brow. He walked up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Yes, darling?" He whispered in your ear. You blushed and turned to him
"You did this? For me?" You said as your turned your head to face him. He smiled kissing your cheek.
"Of course! You are my queen and I love you " he realised you from his grip and pulled out our chair. "For you " you blushed and sat down as he pushed you in. He walked over his chair and sat down. You both began to eat in silence.
" so you took the day off?" You asked. He looked up from his plate and nodded. He then wiped his mouth and smiled.
" well of course. You are , in fact , my queen and I will go out of my way for you." Smiling you nodded. Onced you both finished he gathered the dishes and placed them in the sink. As he did the dishes you smiled and thought about how you had the best life here, with him, Crowley. When he came back you got up smiling. He raised a brow. "What?" He chuckled.
You wrapped your arms around his neak and planted a nice, sweet, romantic kiss on his lips. This shocked him at first but soon he melted into you and Placed his arms around your waist. You pulled away.
" thanks crow"
" banything for you my Queen" you bit your lip and smiled . lord , he loved when you did that. He though you where the cutest thing to walk the earth when you did. He diped you and gave you another kiss. It was amazing. Your lips moved together perfectly and it felt like you and him where floating in pure bliss. He parted this time and looked into your beatiful (e/c) orbs. " so" he began as he set you up right. " i know big extravagant things arent your cup tea, so I thought we'd stay in and watch a movie or two......or ten" you smiled.
"Sounds lovely"
So you and crow spent the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling.


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