his thoughts when he first saw you

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Dean: whoa. Get a load of her. I mean like wow. Look at her eyes. And that body. Hot damnnnnnn. Oh here she comes. Play it cool. Why are you nervous? Come on dean! Head in the ga_ gah! Her voice. Lord help me.

Sam: awe, she's so short. That's a good book she's reading too. Oh my god, she just srunched up her nose. That was to cute. Alright sam, think. I mean we are in a coffee shop, buy her coffee. Okay . oh she's coming over here. Holy crap, she's prettier up close. Her laugh! Ahhhhhh

Castiel: oh ,Her soul is rather bright. She gives off so sort of warmth. I like this. Should I approach her? I believe dean Would do that. Oh...oh she smiled at Me, I believe I'll smile. She just giggled. That's adorable. Why dose my stomach feel like this? I'm I sick? No. I believe I like her? Oh my.....

Gabriel: well what do we have here? Well , well, well isn't she just the hottest thing. Her soul is really friggen energetic, I love it! I think I'll try my hand at her. Maybe a pick up line? Hellz yeah! Oh. Her blush, it's making me blush. She's. To. Friggen. Perfect. Maybe I'll give her my number? AH SHE JUST GAVE ME HER'S. yes! Score one or the trickster!

Chuck: who is she? She has really nice hair....and eyes and, well, everything. I doubt she'd be into me, I'm such a loser. I'm just to socially awkward for this sh_ she's walking over. Why is she walking over!? Chuck pull it together! She's smiling ! Did she just ask what's my name? Wait. What is my name !? God friggen. Oh wait. Chuck, right. No I'm blushing. Just , um, pay her a complement. Now she's blushing. How'd she find me cute? How? What? She asked me out for coffee. She asked me out for coffee!! What a wonderful day to be me!

Crowley: breathtaking. Absolutely breathtaking. The way the light reflects off those magnificent eyes just makes me melt. This isn't good,I'm the bloody king of hell! I shouldn't be falling for her, but I just can't help it. Her laugh is enchanting. I'll just introduce myself. Dammit all to hell! She's adorable. And a lady to but I can see She can take charge. I love that.....maybe I even love her.

(( sorry this So short. I'm only on season 7 so I wanted to stick to characters I could actually pull off writing. Sorry guys. ;w;

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