Gabriel x reader

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(( mild language ))

imagine Gabriel becoming a cat all day

Purring. That's all you heard. Looking around the motel you spotted a tail sticking out from under the bed. " what the hell is that?!" Dean asked reaching for his gun. Sam held him back as you pulled out a fluffy Golden cat.
" awe!" You said as you held it close.
" a cat. A friggen cat." Dean almost growled Looking at the feline. Sam walked over to pet the little guy but it growled at him. You chuckled, "seems like he only likes me"
Sam mumbled something walking back over to his laptop. " what Should I call you?" You said more to yourself then the boys.
" how about ' little shit' ?" Dean smirked. You rolled your eyes, you where about to remark when the cat escaped your grasp and was now hiding again.
" well isn't he tricky?" Sam said not nothing to look up from his laptop.
" tell me about it." You said picking him back up. " hm," you started. " I'll call him the trickster."
" what ? Why?" Dean said glaring at you. You only shrugged and responded with a ' it seemed to fit'.
Did he just smirk at me?, you thought, no. There's no way in hell a cat could smirk. Shaking your head free of your thoughts as the cat purred. You laid on one of the three beds in the room as you played with trickster.
" anyway," dean said standing up. " I need you to man the fort while me and sammy go check this lead out." With that, he and sam when to change into there suites. You giggled as trickster pawed and meowed at you.
" what do you want you silly lil cat?" It had been a long time since you had a pet, so finding trickster was a nice surprise, even if you did perfer dogs.
The trickster climbed on top of you and snuggled into your chest. You didn't mind though, cause hey, it's a cat. The boys came out and looked at you. " you think you can manage till we get back?" Sam asked raising a brow.
" yes sir!" You said making a serious face and soluted them. Sam chuckled and dean rolled his eyes before grabbing the keys to his ' baby' and walking out. Trickster got your attention back to him by licking your face. You giggled and snuggled him tightly, his puffy golden fur and whiskey eyes where so cute, yet distantly familiar. The trickster meowed in content as you two spent the day together. You had gotten a text from dean saying he'd and sam would be out until early tomorrow, fine by you. It was around 12:30 when your eyes decided they've had enough. You've had a full day with trickster really, playing games , watching movies, that type of fun stuff. You changed and slid into bed. You had put a pillow on the floor for your feline companion to sleep on but he just wouldn't have it.
" wants sleep with me huh?" You said and got a low purr in response.
You joked saying ' you could have at least bought me dinner first' as you set him next to you. You got yourself comfortable and he did as well snuggling close to you. You guys slept in peace until the morning when you where awoken but dean.
" ( y/n) what the hell!??!?" He shouted. You jumped up to see the one, the only archangel Gabriel laying in bed next to you.
" it's not what it looks like!" You said blushing
" oh yes it isss~" he purred.
You squinted in frustration at him. " quiet you" . he put his hands up in defence and dean looked at the both of you.
" you know what.... I'll leave you guys alone" Dean said inching out. You huffed and looked at Gabriel . he smiled innocently.
" your a pain in my ass." You hissed
" any time" he cooed. You blushed.
" bite me" you said getting up.
" oooo~ kinky ! Gabe likes." You just blushed deep red. I should have seen that coming, you thought. " anyways, I'll make breakfast. You my dear, just sit here and look pretty." Before you could protest he kissed you and sat you down.
" stupid , sexy archangel" you muttered.
" love you to sugar!"

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