Before You Said

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You said before

falling in love was a pointless thing, right?

Then I'm a pointless person

thinking of pointless things each night

You said before

girls shouldn't be weak at heart, true?

Then please be careful and don't be this way

because it is all because of you

You said before

that a kind girl would make you change your mind, no?

Then can I stay by your side until then

I will be that person, so don't tell me to go

Smart men will never hide this way

You know that is not what you believe

If you fear being hurt, trust me and you'll be okay

Trust someone else, for just a little while, listen to me

if girls aren't looking at you, then please smile

it will make you look cuter, it will make you more friendly

You said before

it was stupid and pointless, right?

If you smiled a bit more

you wouldn't be sitting here with me tonight

You said before

girls don't think of you as a man, true?

If you would allow them to be around you, like me

they would be in love too

I said before

I love you and you thought I was kidding, right?

When you dismissed it as nothing, oppa

I cried all night

With a strong and brave face, I saw you the next day

You had completely forgotten

though it stung, it was better this way

With that attractive look, you sat next to me

"Thank you, you are very kind, I'm grateful"

at that smile i couldn't help but be happy

"Before I said

love is a pointless thing, I was wrong

But you knew better right?

You knew I was wrong all along

Before I said

a kind girl would change my mind, that was true

if you will accept this and not dismiss it

I can say I love you"

"I love you more"

I embraced you completely

"Don't say that because I will spend the rest of my life

trying to show how much you mean to me"

Now you say

love isn't pointless, it's means all

You will smile anxiously when we are together

and you still are unsure of why I did initially fall?

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