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So I had this idea (welp this can't end well. All my ideas end badly)

For a Wattpad book series when I get done with everything I'm currently working on

I'm not actually sure how the storyline would work out but I pretty much have an idea as to toward what the series would be about

So I came up with titles for 6 books for the series

•Thunder's Fall
•Leopard's Hunt
•Runner's Race
•Lavender's Field
•Truth's Trust/Shadow's Story (can't decide which to do >.<)
and finally
•Winter's Storm

Idek. I was bored when I came up with this

Now as long as this doesn't turn out like the last "good" idea I had I'll be fine XD if I even use this idea, anyways lol

I got bored and made a cover for Thunder's Fall soz *shrugs*

I also wrote a prologue for it but haven't published it

But there's this one part of my mind liek "nu a_crazy_cat

You're already working on too many Wattpad books and have SCHOOL (aka a wonderful place filled with haters and crappy lunchroom food)"

and then there's this other part liek

"no body's gonna read em anyways soz why work yo butt off on 6+ books lol"

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