Random and useless facts

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10. Once I went on vacation and my pillow flew out the car window.

I never found it.

9. I got braces a couple of days ago yey

8. I play animal jam (please dun judge meh XD)

7. My cousin and I tried to make our own virtual world once.

We were the only two people who made accounts to play

6. I've been known by the following names on the internet:


& more that I can't think of right now

5. hi.

4. One time my friend went up to a teacher from another class and said "Have you heard about Five Nights at Freddy's!? The characters include:" and then started naming off the characters really fast. The teacher was just like "o.o"

Then she did it to my teacher

3. When I draw wolves/huskies they always look like pigs. This had been confirmed by a random dude on the internet and my mom

2. I don't like waffles

I think waffles are evil

1. I'm allergic to peanut butter

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