April 25th; A Letter The Person I Know That Is Going Throught The Worst of Times

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Dear "Best Friend/Sister",

You thought that I wouldn't understand? I would of. Everything you tell me will I understand? Probably not. I'm still here to listen, to give advice if needed, and to have a shoulder for you to cry on. I thought we trusted each other? I thought we could talk to each other about any rough times? Was I wrong? Maybe. 'Cause lately you seem to not want me around? You think I'm treating you bad when I've barely talked to you this week. You don't want me to hang out with you anymore.

I get you're going through stuff, but that's what I'm here for (or vice versa). I get your grandparents are going back to their home country but they will come back to see you, I know it. If not, then are the true family? The nights you go to bed crying... you're not the only one. Many times during the week I'll go to bed in tears because of family. Bad news? We all get it but we move on eventually. Does it sometimes take awhile? Yes! I'm not even over Buddy leaving, it could take me years. Loss of sleep? We all get the time every once in a while. There was a night I lost about an hour or two of sleep 'cause I was thinking of Lucas. It may not seem much but it can make a difference. We all go through stuff and we all get bad times but we can't hide from the world because of it.

Are you really my friend? If so, tell me how to be a better friend. If so, lets hang out again and have fun. If so, talk to me again.

Let me know. Are you my friend?

From, A Friend?

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