April 13th; A Letter To Someone I Wish Could Forgive Me

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Dear Katers,

You probably won't expect this letter. This is for you, to tell you (or actually write to you), how sorry I am for not being a good friend. I wish I could treat you better, and I'm trying. Mainly for my rudeness, is because I have bad days sort of, and I act rude and mean to my friends- and I don't even realize it. (Don't worry, you're not the only friend who has to deal with me). To get more into the truth, I go through some things. I know that's no excuse though, I shouldn't be unfriendly just because I sometimes have things on my mind.

You should know, you are the nicest person I know. That's the truth. You never say anything mean to people (not even gossip) and you stick up for friends (including me)! Thank you so much when you did that last week when people were overreacting. You are such a true friend, one that I can't ever let go of. We have had so many good memories from when we were kids. The best were from Girl Scouts, I wished we still had that troop. Now, it can just be part of the past that will be cherished forever.

Thank You For Being Such A True/Close Friend! (I hope you forgive me for not being the same back).

Love, Your P.I.T.A. (Pain In The A*s)

P.S. You're the awesomnessest!

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