The Dreaded Day

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Ally's POV

Today was the day. The day that could very well be our last.

I haven't been able to sleep much this past week.

Training was going excellent. The girls and I could probably defend ourselves quite well, but that didnt stop this nauseating feeling to overwhelm my entire body.

I would constantly wake up in tears, drenched in sweat, which would cause Y/N, every night, to come inside my bunk and comfort me.

It felt safe being wrapped inside her strong, but gentle, arms. I couldn't explain the feeling that ignited inside my heart every time I was around the bionic goddess. Was it sisterly love? Could it be more?

I sighed and ran my hand through my wild bedhair.
The thought of leaving this world so early seemed surreal. I knew with Y/N on our side we would be fine, but horrible thoughts were consuming me and couldn't seem to abandon my mind.

The bunk seemed to be closing in on me, getting smaller and smaller, suffocating me inside. I was gasping for air when I felt strong arms carry me out to the couches in the lounge.

Tears blurred my vision and my body seemed to forget how to breathe on its own.

I heard voices of the girls and Y/N but they quickly turned muffled. Every part of my body was numb, yet I felt as if it was on fire.

The voices became a little clearer and I heard Y/N's strong, caring voice.

"Ally, ally, baby, breathe. I need you to calm down and focus on breathing. Here look at me."

She tapped my cheeks slightly so that I could focus on her and not zone out into oblivion once again.

I saw her bright blue eyes looking at me with passion and a fierce determination. I knew in the moment, that I was going to be okay.

She tried to get me to start breathing once again.

"Breathe ally. Breath. Its okay, I will protect you all. Just please breathe for me."

Once she said those words, it caused my body to react.

The first gasp of air I took seemed like I was reborn again. Like a new born taking its breath for the first time.

Warm arms wrapped around me as a sob escaped from my throat. The girls pulled back and I noticed their watery eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Ally, what happened Smalls?"

Dinah's voice filled the room. Her voice was strong but, since I knew her fairly well, I noticed traces of fear and false bravery.

My sobs subsided but tears wouldnt stop streaming down my face.

I decided to be honest knowing that the girls were possibly feeling the same way inside.

My voice sounded fragile, cracked, and afraid. Everything I shouldn't be.

"I'm afraid Dinah."

Lauren whimpered and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Me too Ally. But we'll be okay with Y/N, we can trust her with our lives."

Dinah intercepted in a joking manner to liven up the mood.

"Yeah, especially because we have no other choice."

We all sniffled to control our emotions and slightly chuckled trying to mask our insecurities.

Recently, Y/N confided in us and told us about how she doesn't have a heart beat. After countless hugs and cuddling, we all figured it out beforehand. But we still appreciated the fact that Y/N was becoming comfortable around us.

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