Chapter 12: What would I do without Blondey?

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After walking back in, I run slap bang into Crystal, dressed up in a soft silky jumper dress, with trainer heels and a leather jacket. Her platinum blonde hair falling in loose natutal curls down her back, with her blue eyes rimmed with black eyeliner and mascara. She always looked the epitome of beatiful I couldn't explain. And me? Here I was standing in my make-shift pyjamas. I wonder do ugly people get beautiful friends on purpose? Is it some punishment from God? Or do we just run to them as as way to hide behind.

I don't know which option is better.

"Talia!! Your not dressed yet? Come on! Get your arse upstairs and changed!"

I could only mutter a sorry as I was rushed upstairs to get ready.

Entering my room I pulled out the first things I saw which resulted in a dark green jumper dress which I coupled with a thin brown belt patterned tights  and my black converses.

I looked like the plain version of Crystal, the side dish. But honestly I didn't care. After adding some light make-up and gloss, I ran downstairs with my leather satchel.

"Alright ready to go"

"Finally! I swear its been like 3hours" she huffed dramatically. I just shook my head smiling to myself, I don't think my life could be the same without this girl in it.

As we walked out my house, I noticed Cole's car had disappeared from Aidens driveway. Well good, didn't want to see them anyways. Half an hour later we arrived at the mall. The place was jam packed with all kinds of people, but since it was a saturday and almost 2 o clock, there were mostly teenagers.

"Time to shop!" Crystal squealed grabbing my hand and pulling me through the the many people all my moodiness gone now, due to her energy. She always rubbed off on me.

 As I was being the pulled through the large crowds, something caught my eye. or rather someone caught my eye. I thought I'd seen a familiar mop of black hair just to my left, but when I looked back no-one was there. A chill ran down my spine as I pushed down further memories.

 He cant hurt you anymore..

Swallowing hard I began chantin gin my headI chanting in me head, he's gone. 

While walking and of course chanting, someone else caught my eye, and I swear my jaw nearly dropped.

 It was the sexist red-head I have ever seen. Ever. He was coming out of abercrombie and fitch with a friend. He tousled his lucious red head, which had been cut high on the top with a sort of messy quiff, and shaved low at the bottom.

 Cue drooling. He was to DIE for.

"Isn't he just gorg?" I heard crystal whisper next to me but I was in a whole nother world. He didn't even seem to notice us as he and his friend walked by, our heads trailing after him.

 We faced each other at the same time, grabbed each others arms and started jumping round in a circle shreiking.

"Omg omg OMG!! I mean did you see him I m-"

"He was so hot... Soo hot soo-"


"Eeeeeeeee" we burst into a fit of giggles.

 "Let's follow him!" was cryssie's smart reply to our bout of squeals

"I don't know Crissie.. Wouldn't that be weird?"

"No! He'll never know, we can go into shops near him so it won't be obvious! Come on!" She grabbed my arm for the 3rd time today and dragged me. I was so used to it I couldn't even complain.

What would I do without blondey?

 Five shops down the mall hallway, and we were now sitting in mcdonalds, in the booth across from there's.  We were doing that thing where you pretend to look around but just so happen to catch his eye. We had already agreed, whoever he picked got to go on a date with him. But we weren't in competition with each other, it was just a friendly laugh, we both knew who we really wanted... Haha.

"So I think I should go order right?" I nudged Crystal who was having a staring competition with the wall behind the red-heads head.. Haha.. Get it? No? Moving on.

 "Yahh sure.." I grabbed my purse from my bag walking past their table and went to the counter to order.

 Now I'm a girl who likes to eat. So I order a large big mac meal, plus a cheeseburger and a toffe sundae and apple pie. Because I'm awesome. Don't hate. I got Crystal a deli meal. She'd be happy with that, the right mixture of healthy and fattening right? Just as I was about to take the two trays back to the table, which was proving kind of difficult, I heard a voice behind me.

 "You sure do each a lot" I felt my cheeks start to burn. Turning around fully, I realised it was my mall crush.. Yaaaaayy!!

"Yup, that's me, small girl big apetite" I grinned goofily upwards at him. He was actually mesmerising.

He chuckled.

A deep sexy chuckle.


"Do you need a hand maybe? You look like your struggling under the weight" Awww how sweet! He's sweet right?!

"Sure, be my knight in shining armour, or should I say my Knight in a checkered shirt? That suits you more" Do I always have to have verbal diarhhorea when it comes to meeting hot guys? Honestly.. get a grip.

"Your funny, I like you" He grinned, I grinned back, as we walked towards our table, with a smirking Crystal awaiting us.

 "I'm Zach by the way"


"That's a nice name"

"Thanks" I blushed turning away so he wouldnt see it. I took a sneak peak towards Crystal as we walked back to the table. She gave me a quick wink smiling so hard im sure she was in pain. Once we'd reached the table  Crystal extended an arm to wave hi to Zach.

 We sat, ate and talked for a while, his friend came to join us soon after we had sat down, his name was Brad. I had a great time and luckily got Zach's number after.

I'm definetely happy we went shopping.

 By the time we got home it was about 7:00pm, and as we lugged our shopping inside the house I noticed something. But I couldn't pin point it.

 I causiously walked into the living room to see none other but Helen Wilson.

Also known as...

My mum.


Thanks for reading!

Now im off to have some Oreo Icecream cake.. Mmmmm

I know you want some ;)

But sorry.. its all for me

But PLEASEE, comment i'd love it if you did!!

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