Chapter 2 ~ First meeting...

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Chapter 2: First meeting

 After the exhausting Flight, and the hussle and bussle of the  airport, we finally arrived in Boston.

We pulled up to the Average sized white house. It had a long path leading up to the porch which had a couple of stairs before you reached the door. A chair swing was lodged diagonally in the corner, it's intricate design making it look like a beautiful antic. The flowers that scattered the front lawn, were roses, and tulips, and daisies. The house looked nice, it looked authentic, it looked normal.

 I hopped out of the car, and proceeded up the steps to the doorway, waiting for mum to open the door. I never imagined houses in Boston like this. I thought there were big apartment complexs and rows and rows of flats, but, not so much. Mum came quickly slotting the key through the hole and opening the door, to reveal a large hallway with doors branching off all around. From the door I could see the living room to the right and a kitchen to the left, the stairs was a couple metres infront of the door. It's thick mahogony wood, winding upwards. I decided to go straight upstairs and get a room good enough for me. As I raced up the stairs, I heard a muffled call of my name, but I pretended not to hear it, I would blame it on my head phones.  The first room I opened was perfect, it was moderately sized, had a large double bed bedside the wall, opposite it was a small chest of drawers, with a beautiful mirror. Next to the door way on the right stood my wardrobe and on the left was a full length mirror, but what really got me was the beautiful balcony I could see the curtains willowing from. I walked straight out onto the balcony, and took in the view, it was nice. The cold chill of the wind shivered down my spine. I took out my headphones, and closed my eyes, taken it all in.

I wouldnt mind living here afterall. I sighed, this place wa-

"TALIA!!" I swung round to find my mum looking abit hot faced. I rolled my eyes inwardly, what the fuck did she want?

 "We just got here and you already think you can cower away to your bedroom? The moving vans here with the remainder of the stuff, atleast have the decency to get your own boxes!" She huffed before stomping out of my room, mumbling to herself. I sighed closed the balcony door, pulling the latch to lock it, and followed my mum downstairs. This was going to be a LONG DAY.


 I Collasped on my bed, exhausted, moving really does tire you out.. I looked around my room, happy with it's image, it looked just about the same as back home. Well that wasn't exactly my home anymore.

 Today was Sunday and mum being mum, had made sure that me and Brandon would start straight away. I had to start college like half way through, most of the 2nd years would have known each other since last year and here I am trying to slide into there little batchs. Not cool. To take my mind off it, I thought that maybe I should plan my outfit. I wanted to change my look, it'd been all preppy and girly back in london, until i'd stopped caring. I'd always been trying to conceal the real me, but now I could show my real personality and noone would know a thing.

 I pulled out my ripped dark skinny jeans, my white 'Frank Ocean' T-Shirt and my leather jacket. Things I had hardly even worn. I threw them on and then slipped into my black heeled boots. I looked baddass. I stared at myself in the mirror grining. As i continued to admire my appearance it hit me, all the memories came flooding back. I gripped my chest, in hope to keep the emotions in. I began quickly throwing off my clothes until I was left standing there in only my bra and knickers. I looked away from the mirror, disgusted by what I saw. Feeling the tears prickling in my eyes I sucked in a deep breath to calm myself down.

 I stomped over to my wardrobe, throwing the ofending items inside it and slamming it shut. I dont know when I was going to be able to break out, but I needed to, soon. I needed to forget all the memories, of him. If not, they would be my downfall. I looked over at the digital clock on my bedside table. 12:01 it read. I definetely needed some sleep. I pulled my red silk night gown from under my pillow, slipped it on and jumped in bed.

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