Chapter one ~ I Really Do Hate Goodbyes

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Chapter one: I hate goodbyes

I was the good girl, thats what everyone believed, but what people believes isn't always the truth. I sighed as I looked down at the old crumbled photo. One of the last reminants of what used to be my room. I still dont know why I kept it, why I still slept with it under my pillow. Why was I such a fool?! I held in a shriek of frustration, then promtly ripped it into 4 pieces, I should of torn it to shreds but I couldn't. Before I convinced myself to take it downstairs and put it back together, I closed my eyes and dropped it into the black bin bag of rubbish. I opened my eyes to watch the pieces float down slowly. Then turned to continue the last bits of packing.

I pulled out my old Primary and Secondary school books, and tossed them into a box, smiling at the fading memories they brought, I yanked down my purple secondary school leavers hoody from the wall, folded it and set it into the box, bringing with it the hundreds of pictures that had had been surrounding it. They also held memories of the past. Yet theres some things in the past that I dont want to remember, somethings that should be buried deep and kept there. I sighed again, sometimes, things like that come up unexpectedly, at the worst of times.

I dusted my hands and gave the room one last look, as I heard a car horn beep outside. I rushed to the window, to see the familiar car of my bestfriend Crystal. The tears began to well in my eye's as I tried, but failed for them to stop, as soon as she stepped out the car and slammed the drivers seat door, the passanger side opened and out came Corey. My other bestfreind. They were twins Crystal and Corey, and to say they were alike would be an understatement, Crystal was just the girl version of Corey, who liked Shopping, make-up,hair oh wait.. and MORE SHOPPING. I giggled to myself, and waved down from the window. I immediately turned and took long leaps all the way outside, jumping on them both, causing us all to fall down onto the frozen grass.

Crystal sighed in frustration, while Corey laughed out loud, and I grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

"TALIA!!! My new Dresss" She grumbled from underneath me, Corey just continued to laugh.

"CRISSIE!!! COREY!!" I screamed while getting off them and standing up. Crystals, look of annoyance  faded replaced by a grin as she got up, pulling Corey with her.

I stared at my bestfreinds, trying to keep the grin on my face, but as I looked at them I realised just how much I was gonna miss them. They both had Blonde hair, but Corey's was a Dirty blonde, while Crystal had lucious Golden Locks. Their sky blue eyes shon excitedly.  Corey's eyes were much more peircing, they seemed like they could search your whole soul. I know there'd been alot of times where I had looked into them and poured out a whole story, that I'd forced myself to keep inside. Crystal's eyes were much more playful and always had an excited glint in them.

I'd kept it in too long I could feel it all about to come out.

"Guys.." I said just above a whisper, and the tears began to over flow, my grin slipped into a frown as theirs did to, Crystals eyes filled with water, while Corey had a serious expression set on his face.

"I..I cant do this" Crystal whimpered look up towards the sky in hope of trying to keep the tears in. Corey stumbled forward pulling me into his grasp.

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