Chapter 11: Life's a Bitch, it bites you in the ass...

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I am so, so so so so so so so so SORRY!! this is like nearly a month late? Ahhhhh!!! My family lifes been very hectic recently and its prevented me from writing this, but i really need to get this book up and going, so uploads every other day, sound good? Great!!


Life's a Bitch, it bites you in the ass...

Waking the next morning was easier than I thought. The sun was fighting to get through the curtains, and I could hear the sounds of the outside word invading my quiet room. Searching under my pillow for my phone, I soon saw that it was already midday. Finally lifting my head off the pillow, I rubbed the dirt from my eyes, stretched, yawned then looked over at Corey’s still sleeping body. After pulling the covers off me, going to the bathroom and doing the daily, I went downstairs to start breakfast, or rather brunch.

After getting out all the ingredients needed for pancakes, I pulled bacon and eggs out the fridge, settling them on the table ready to be cooked. I mixed the ingredients for pancakes together and quickly started cooking. The sweet aroma from the bacon quickly filled my nostrils as they sizzled and popped in the pan.

I quickly switched on the radio and began dancing to ‘Teenage Kicks’ by One Direction. I’d never really liked them, always thought they’d been cute, but there definitely growing on me now. I grinned as I shouted along to the song

“Na nan a na na na na na na na na, I wanna hold you wanna hold you tight, get teenage kicks all through the night!”

“One way or another!” I turned round to see crystal walking into the room whipping head back and forth to the music singing along with me. I ran up to her grabbing her hands and twirling around like they do in the music video, and when the song finished we both fell on the floor in a fit of giggles. Oh how ive missed her.

“Well good morning to you Crystal” I laughed as be both got up from the floor dusting ourselves.

“Ahh Good morn- is that pancakes?”

“Err Ye-“ Before I could finish she was on the kitchen dining table holding a knife and fork between her hands and chanting:

“I WANT FOOD!” I rolled my eyes. I do worry about this girl.

“Hold on a second man, gosh” I started plateing up our food, leaving a plate for Corey and Brandon covered. After giving Crystal her plate, which she practically dived into. I settled down to eat mine just as Corey walked in.

“I see you decided to grace us with your presence” he gave me a lop-sided grin, that looked unbelievably cute on his face, with his messy bed hair spiking out everywhere.

“That’s mine I believe?” He says pointing at the plate of covered food. I nod getting back to my food, which is absolutely delicious I must say.

“Soo... guys what are we doing today?!” A voice shouts coming into the kitchen. Brandon was who I expected to walk into the kitchen , but in strolled Cole. Well that answer's my question as to why Brandons voice sounded different.

“How the fuck did you get in here?” I gasped in shock, nearly jumping out of my seat. Cole just gave me a sly grin stopping at the kitchen counter, which doubled as a dining table, and producing a bent pin. Typical.

“They don’t call me a bad boy for no- is that BACON?!” He practically yelled, not even finishing off his sentence as he lunged for my plate, narrowly missing it as I picked it up and moved it out the way. He ended up banging his head on the table. Wincing he turned to pout at me, an adorable baby face replacing his features.

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