Chapter Eight [Hater's Point of View]

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I groaned when I heard a soft knock on my bed room door, rolling over on my bed.
"Peepers I told you a THOUSAND times to leave me alone today! Gob I already promised you we could get started again tomorrow!!"

No reply.

I thought.

I tensed up when I heard the door crack open, growling loudly in anger and sat up, green static flickered at my finger tips.


"No no Hater its me!" Wander held up his hands and flinched away from me.

I immediately lowered my hands, my face turned bright green just from seeing the nomad standing before me.

"Wander? W-what are you doing here?! U-ugh I mean GET OUT!"

"Oh come on Hater Ya' dont gotta be like that. And you don't gotta fake bein' mad either.." He muttered shyly, leaning back on his feet.

"What do you mean fake?! I'm totally not faking might I remind you I have been trying to DESTROY you for two years!! So why are you here?!" I demanded, feeling a stab of guilt when I saw sorrow spread across Wanders face.

"Then why didn't you destroy me four weeks ago when Ya' had the chance?" He questioned me, tilting his head to the side.

"I-I..I didn't feel like it at the moment!"
I snapped, folding my arms in annoyance at him.

"Hater, you know that ain't the case. You n' me both know that ain't the case.."

"W-what do you mean we both know that's not the case?"

"Peep..Peepers told me about how you had been actin' lately..he landed on Leegionia to fill the ship up wit gas, me and Syl had been taking refuge on the planet for the time bein' and saw your ship. Commander Peepers stopped us before we could run off, beggin' is to listen to him. I managed to convince Sylvia to stay. He said somethin' about not acting normal, and being in some sort of funk or day dream ever since we had that run in on Amazonia..."

"Wander." I interrupted him.
"Where are you trying to go with all of this?"

"W-what im sayin' is Lord Hater is that umm..I know how you been feelin' bout me." He mumbled the last part.
I could see the fur on his shoulders begin to stand up and a light blush spread across his face.

Gob he looks so adorable when he is flustered.

"Peepers told you?!" I hissed.

Gah when he said he was going to try and help me I didn't have this in mind!

"W-well yeah but lemme finish before you go gettin' all mad at him!"

I took a deep breath, then exhaled loudly. Hesitantly nodding for the small nomad to continue.

Wander grinned with delight.
"Well.. The truth is Hater..i-i.." He trailed off, his gaze drifting from to his hand, which he was now holding together.

" it?" I asked.

"I..I kinda of..well..more than kinda..I do return your feelin's..I-im sorry if I w-was too forward!" He flushed, not daring to look me in the eye.

"...Y-you what?"

"I-I like...I love you Hater." He squeaked out.


"I'm not im not! Jee whizz why does everyone think I'm kiddin'?" He jumped to his own defense.

"But no Hater I'm not. I swear I ain't. I really..really like you hater. I-i can't stop thinkin' about to and..well to be honest I've felt this way much longer than that whole fiasco on Amazonia.."

I was silent for a while..perhaps too long. Wander slowly crept up to me and gently placed one hand on my knee.

"H-hater i..I'm sorry.."

- - - - -

Ending the chapter on a short note, sorry guys! Anyway Id like to thank everyone for so much positive feedback, and also throw in a reminder not to pester people about updating, it's highly stressful! Anyway, chapter nine will be out asap. Back to wanders point of view.
- Blitty

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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