Chapter Four [Wander's point of view]

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I hadn't been the same ever since last week, and for some odd reason the fact I hadn't seen Hater since then really, really, bothered me. I couldn't get him out of my mind. And worst of all, I could tell Sylvia was beginning to catch on.
Ever since the whole fiasco, we retreated to the near by vacation planet of Leegionia, home of the Leegoins. The Leegoins, despite how terrifying some of them looked, were a very docile and motherly species, and helped a lot with Sylvia's recovery. She did admit it still hurt to walk on, and she could barley if at all run, so we both agreed to stay about another week or two until the wound fully healed.
But, after the whole encounter with hater, I noticed some thing about me had changed.
I was falling in Love with Lord Hater. Why? I have no clue! This was the alien who tried to kill me! But..he didn't.
I tried to hide my new found affections from Sylvia, even though it was nearly impossible. Well, cause everytime I began thinking of him I would drift off into a deep daydream, occasionally giggling under my breathe and blushing until she snapped her finger Infront of my face.
Not to mention, everytime I heard the sound of thunder I would smile to myself and blush. And it tended to rain ALOT, on Leegiona.
But I think the part that gave it away the most was, I hadn't been feeling like my happy go lucky self. Infact I guess you could say I was a little depressed, which wasn't normal for me if I do say so myself.

" in there buddy?" Sylvia waved her hand Infront if my face, I didn't even notice that I have gotten lost in thought again.

"W- oh! Sorry Syl, seems I got lost in though haha!..again." I faked a smiled at her.

Sylvia just sighed and shook her head, laying down next to me on the mossy rug that was in our cabin.

"Wander..Im worried about you" she said after a while.

"Whaaat? Worried about me? Pshaw Sylvia I'm fine! No harm done here, and beside. You should be worrying about yourself more than you should be worrying about me! I mean, wit you leg n'-"

"Wander you haven't been acting normal lately" she cut me off, swaying her tail back and forth slowly in annoyance.

"W-what ya mean Sylvia?"

"What I mean is you haven't been yourself! I..I don't know you just seem a little off. Like, you've been gawking into imagination land, acting all mopey.." She paused for a second.
"..moaning and squirming in your sleep...a lot."

My face immediately turned red with embarrassment.
"I w-w-I have?! I mean, haha Sylvia you sure are a jokester today ain't y-ya!" I babbled out.

Sylvia just rolled her eyes and scooted a little closer to me, I whined and turned my head away from her to hide my still blushing face.

" there something you are hiding from me.." She sounded ever more concerned.

I didn't say anything and just shook my head, pulling the front flap of my hat lower.

"Wander buddy come on... I hate seeing you like makes me sad."

"I..I can't tell ya." I whispered, just loud enough for her to hear.

"Wander you know I won't get angry at you no matter what it is right? I promise to help you through this. Please tell me so we can solve this and get you out of this funk.." She nuzzled my shoulder with her snout.

I forced back tears that were beginning to form in my eyes, I hated this. Why did I have to be in love with someone who hated the fact that I even existed. Let alone if I told Sylvia, she would probably leave me. We both sat there in silence for gob only knows how long, until Sylvia got up and moved infront of me, sitting down on her bum.

"Wander.." she began.

"hmm.." I replied, glancing up at her.

" you..Do you like H-hater? Y'know like Hater?"

I gasped and looked up at her, my face growing hot as yet another blush began to form.
"W-w-what?! No!! NO! No never Ahahaha! Why would I like like hater Sylvia are, are you joking?" I bursted out laughing, feeling a deep burning sensation begin to rise in my chest.

Darn it Wander you are not good at hiding these kinds of things are you?! What is she leaves you all alone now then what are y'gonna do?!

"Wander stop it." She snapped

I ceased my forced laughter and looked at her, oh boy she didn't look happy at all, and like she was waiting for some sort of explanation. I sucked in a deep breathe.

"I..I'm sorry Syl..I, I don't know what's wrong wit me..I'm so stupid to even think about the fact that Hater would ever return my feelings but I..I just can't help but feel this way and. I'm scared that if he finds out he'll actually go through with destroyin' me but..but most of all I fear that yer gonna get mad and leave me all alone.." I looked down, biting my bottom lip as I finally let the tears roll down my cheeks.

"I'm scared Sylvia..I hate feeling like this. I don't know what's wrong wit me.. I try not to think about think about him. But I just can't help it.." I sniffed, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

There was a short moment of silence before my friend reached out and pulled me into a firm hug.

"You're an idiot to think I'd ever leave you, Wander." She pulled back to help wipe my tears away.

"Yes, I don't think this is a good situation. Yes, I hate Hater. But, I also trust you and your judgement.. It's not your fault for liking him. No one has control over their heart! And buddy, I will help you get through this one hundred percent on this! No matter how tough it gets.." She smiled down at me, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead

"I love you, you are my best friend. And like we have always said. There isn't a mountain too high, a valley too low.."

I sniffed and looked up at her, a grin spread across my damp face.
"Or a river too wide to keep apart a pair o' pals like us."

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