Chapter Six [Peeper's Point of View]

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Ever since the talk between me and Lord Hater, I had been trying my hardest to track down Wander.
I hated to admit, but part of me was praying I wouldn't find him. Mainly because I didn't want Sylvia to beat the shit out of my then throw me into kingdom come, as she usually did. I figured if I came alone and unarmed, she would spare me.

I sighed as I slowly cruised the ship throughout the usual, boring, emptiness of space. I'd eventually pass by a planet or two but of course, most of them had been taken over by Lord dominator.

Jeez this guy doesn't slow down does he.
I thought to myself, shuddering when I remembered our first encounter and hopefully last with the terrifying over lord. A sudden beeping sound grabbed my attention, I looked down at the control panel.

"Dah! Out of gas already? I could have sworn I just had this thing filled two days ago."
I rolled my eye and pulled over to the nearest planet, and slowly cruised above it, halting when I came across a gas station. I carefully landed the ship next to a pump, then ran to the entrance, sliding down the ships tounge when it hit the ground.
I stood outside the ship and glanced around. The planet was full of tropical life, and it had a beautiful, crisp clear blue sky with zero clouds in sight.

Hmm. Not bad, not bad.
I thought , then caught sight of a large billboard, it read.
'Welcome to Leegionia, the Perfect Planet for a Family Get Away!'

Leegionia huh?
I thought, humming a tune to myself and I inserted the gas pump into the ship, leaning back against it while I let it fill up.

At first I thought it was just my imagination,but I could have sworn I heard the very, very, familiar voices of a certain wanderer and Zbornark. I slowly crept around the ship, peeking out from behind the back wing. I gasp when I saw Wander and Sylvia standing few feet away, staring at the ship in surprise.
Wander looked, almost panicked when he grabbed his friends hand.

"S-Sylvia come on let's go! Before Hater or one of the watchdogs see us." I heard him plead. Sylvia hesitated before nodding hastily and kneeling down so Wander could jump up onto her back.
But before they could run off, I raced out infront of them.

"STOOOP!" I yelled, jumping in their way.
Sylvia skidded to a halt, snorting loudly when she realized who had stopped her.

"YOU" she said in a tone so fierce, so filled with fury, that I almost lost my balance.

"N-no wait please listen! No ones with my a-and umm." I quickly pulled my blaster out of its hitch, tossing it far to the side.

"S-see really I don't mean any harm I just.. Really, reeeeally. Need to talk with you two. Well, mainly Wander." I tried to explain quickly, for I could see rage already growing in Sylvia's eyes.

"If you think we are going to listen to YOU for one second you're out of your mind!" She barked at me.

I yelped in surprise when she yanked me up by the collar of my shirt to meet my eye level, her hand pulled back into a first.
"Now I suggest you take your ship and get lost before I get Ug-"

"Sylvia! Sylvia!" I heard wander cry out, I opened my eye to see him holding back her fist.

"B-but Wander!! This is the guy who shot my in my leg!" She growled at him, now turning her attention from me to him.

"I-I know Sylvia but..he said Lord Hater wanted to talk to me and I..oh please Syl jus' find it in your heart to forgive him?" Wander asked, looking at the Zbornark with big, pleading eyes.

Sylvia paused, then looked at him with understanding. She growled in frustration and threw me on the ground, making Wander squeal with glee.

"Oh thank you Sylvia!" He chimed, hugging his friend for a brief second before he hopped down off her back and skipped over to me, bending down to help me to my feet.

"This better not be a trap or so help me!" Sylvia hissed

"It's not I promise! And t-thanks." I muttered as I took his hand and stood up, brushing the dirt off my back.

"Nooo problem buddy!" He grinned.

"So anyway." Sylvia butted in.
"Can I ask why you had the need to talk to us again?"

"Oh yes! W-oh no I FORGOT ABOUT THE GAS!" I shrieked and raced over to the pump, growling loudly in frustration when I heard Sylvia burst into laughter behind me. I quickly ripped the gas pump out of the ship and put it back in the rack, groaning when I saw a rather large puddle that had formed from the leakage.

Gob how embarrassing...

I rubbed my temples as I walked back over to the two travelers, Sylvia was still snickering about the whole incident.

"Oh yes ahaha have a good laugh!" I hissed, folding my arms in annoyance.

"Anyway, as I was saying. The only reason I want to talk to you is about. It's about Lord Hater!"

Suddenly, I saw the grin on wanders face slowly evolve into one of concern and anxiety.
"W-what about Hater?" He asked in a shaky voice, clutching at reigns Sylvia's reigns.

"Something neither of you are going to believe."

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