Chapter Seven [Sylvia's Point of View]

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Wander, of course had been able to convince me board the ship with him and Peepers. It was always so hard for me to say no to him, especially when he made his puppy dog face, it always made me give it.
Of course I wasn't too happy about it, mumbling curses under my breath as we followed Peepers to the conformance room. I finally let myself relax when I walked into the large room, flopping down on a black leather chair.

Maybe this wasn't a trap after all
I thought, glaring at Peepers as he took a set infront of me and Wander.

But I got my eye on you.

"He WHAT?!"

"I-I'm sorry! I just figured if you told you guys maybe you could talk to him or something!" Peepers jumped to defend himself.

I couldn't believe this, Hater actually liked liked Wander?!
I shot my gaze over to Wander, who was staring at Peepers wide eyed, a small grin tugging at his lips.

Peepers continued.
"Looked listen I am just as surprised as you are, Sylvia.." He stopped for a second and looked at Wander.

"And im sure Wander is a million times more shocked than both of us..B-but hear me out. Lord Hater hasn't been, well acting the same as usual ever since he began expressing his feelings more. And Wander im sure you don't return your feelings, in fact I'm positive you don't! But I figured if you just..just talked to him and get all of well. This, out of the way. Maybe he'd go back to normal, or get out of this funk at least."

There was a long moment of silence between the three of us. I was waiting for Wander to speak, and so was Peepers..I think.
I glanced down at the seat next to me, hitching a breath when I saw that Wander had his hat pulled down over his face.

"Wander? You ok buddy?" I asked him, resting a hand on his shoudler.

He jumped a little and quickly nodded, reaching a hand under the flap of his hat and wiping his face.

"A-Ah! Yeah Syl m'fine!" He sniffled, tilting his hat upward his face to show his face. I could tell he'd be crying a little.

"Y-Ya see the truth is Commander Peepers..I, um. I sorta feel this way too 'bout Hater. And I gotta admit, I wasn't expecting this. At all.."

Peepers pupil dilated so wide you could barley see the red of his eye.
"R-really?! WH-what?!! Y-OU BETTER NOT BE JOKING" he said in a sudden fierce tone, pointing a strict finger at Wander.
I stood up out of my seat defensively, and immediately Peepers sat back down.

"No I ain't! I swear I ain't!" Wander blurted out, motioning for me to sit back down.
I reluctantly obliged.

"Wow..I. I was NOT expecting that!" Peepers chuckles, then jumped off the leather chair he was sitting in.

"Soo... I guess you wouldn't know. Talking to Lord Hater-" he paused mid sentence to glare at me.

I heard Wander swallow the lump that had begun to form in this throat, and he slowly nodded.
"I-i suppose but..right now? S-shouldn't you talk to him first Commander Peepers? He, won't get mad or anythin, right?"

Peepers sighed and shrugged.
"To be honest Wander, I'm not entirely sure how he'll react to even seeing you. But, I honestly feel like it would be better for you to confront him.."

I hated to admit it. But I had to agree with Peepers.
"He's right buddy. This is between you and Lord Hater" I said, walking to stand next to Peepers.
"But if anything happens. Just yell and I'll be there in a jiffy." I snarled, balling my rigt hand into a fist.

"Haha~, I don't think that'll be necessary Syl." Wander smiled up at me, reaching forward to give me a quick friendly hug, which I happily returned.

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