Chapter Five [Hater's point of view]

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I couldn't lie to myself any longer.
I had a crush on Wander.

And I was pissed at myself because of it.
Not because I hate..well, use to hate him. But because Wander would never like me back. Ever. I mean..I am the guy who made it seem like I was going to brutally murder him in cold blood not three weeks ago.
Ever since that I had completely lost my motivation to concur planets, again. And of course, it ticked Peepers off.
I had to give him credit though, he had been working his ass off trying to get me motivated again. Trying everything from simply messing with the Watchdogs to taking my old van out and picking on random weaklings. But none of it worked, and I could tell he was beginning  to get fed up with it.
"Sir we haven't been active for three weeks and other villains have began concurring our planets! I mean, just yesterday Lord Dominator took over Amazonia! You have to get out of this funk we can't afford to lose anymore or youll go from twenty-ninth greatest to thirty-fourth greatest!" Peepers pleaded with me.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, leaning back in my chair.
"Peepers. I told you a thousand times today we will get back on track tomorrow ok."

I could hear him growl in frustration.
"Lord Hater you've been saying that for two weeks! Gah!! Ever since you let Wander go you've been acting like this I knew you would regret it and now look at you! L-listen, how about we track down the wandering weirdo and actually go through with killing him? I'm sure Sylvia still isn't fully recovered fr-"

"No." I hissed between clenched teeth

Peepers stared at me, then sighed.
"..Sir. What is going on with you? You used to dream about the day you would be rid of Wander! Now it seems like the last thing you want to do is that! And, well I'm not complaining it's nice not having you only focus on him but, now your in this funk and heck I kind of miss having you obsessed with killing him and Sylvia!..Have, have you actually grown to like him?"

I nearly fell out of my chair when he said the last sentence. After regaining myself I shot up out of my seat, my face turned into a bright green mess.

"W-what are you crazy Peepers?! L-like Wander?! Not In a million, no a BILLION years would I eeever even imagine going out with him!! Or imagine holding hands with him and I TOOOTALLY don't dream about making out and doing other stuff with him!!...OK FINE I ADMIT IT PEEPERS I DO LIKE HIM OK SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled the last part loudly and flopped back down on my chair, pulling the hood of my cloak over my face. There was an incredibly long moment of silence before Peepers replied.

"....sir I was asking if you liked him as a friend..not...not like that."


"I...I'm..I Uhm..I knew that I just..ahh.."

"Sir. I'm not going to lie to you. I cannot believe I just heard those words come out of you mouth and I'm still in a little shock about it."


"But..I'm going to try and trust your judgment with this..even though I think it is completely idiotic." Peepers sighed and walked over to me, climbing up onto the arm of my chair and gently patting me on my back.

"And Lord Hater, I am willing to help you with this..but you need to do your part as well. Promise me you will?"

I sat still for a second before nodding at him, moving the hood away from my eyes.
"Thank you Peepers. But here's the problem. I am pretty Wander despises now and one hundred percent sure Sylvia does. I..I don't know what to do C.Peeps.. GAH im such and idiot!" I growled, dramatically folding my arms and looking down.

"D-don't worry sir I'll, I mean we will figure something out! Anything to get you out of this funk!"

"I hope so." I yawned and glanced at the clock, it was almost two in the morning. I sighed and stood up.
"I'm going to bed, you should too Peepers." I said to him as I walked toward my room.

"Y-yes sir! Good night!" He called after me.

I shut the door behind me, kicked off my sneakers and socks, and let myself fall flat onto my bed, letting out a long, muffled groan.

Hater, out off all the people in the universe, why the hell did you have to fall in love with Wander?!

I scolded myself inside my mind, flipping over onto my back. I stared at the dark, blank ceiling. Gob why couldn't I stop fucking thinking about the little puff ball.

There was that one time where Wander and I got stuck in the prison dimension  and Wander hand cuddled up with me in my cloak to keep me warm. And another time where we were running for our lives from Lord Dominator and he clung onto me for dear life, which I had to admit I though was kind of adorable. Then anot- GAH pull yourself together Hater !!

I knocked myself on the side of my head, feeling my cheeks burning up from just thinking about the nomad. That is when I finally realized something. Something that sent a shiver down my spine.

I didn't have a mere crush on Wander.
I was in love with Wander.

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