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Sara's POV   -   Four Years Later         

"Angel, get back here!" I exclaimed, pushing myself back up onto my feet so I could chase after her down the hall.

It was currently just the two of us in the house, and Angel was running around with nothing but her pajama pants on. Ricky was on tour, Motionless In White still going strong. Their fanbase kept growing and developing with every song or record they released, and I couldn't be more proud of them. Admittedly, it was difficult being a stay at home mom while Angel was a baby when Ricky toured, but I managed and once she was a little older I was able to get a job. Shortly after our wedding and honeymoon, I'd started taking classes online and was now a certified teacher. I taught first graders at one of the local elementary schools.

Angel would be going to kindergarten at the school I taught at, but I rather not think of such a thing so soon. There was still a whole other year or so until I had to give her up for seven hours of the day. Ricky and I weren't prepared for that day whatsoever.

"Angel Mae Olson! If you let me put your shirt on you, we can watch Cinderella before bedtime." I negotiated, stopping in the entry of the living room and staring at my daughter that hid underneath the coffee table.

Recently, Angel got into her Disney princess stage and everything was princess in her mind. Her favorite movie was Cinderella, no matter how hard I tried to get her to like Rapunzel instead like me. Although, I was excited for the time she wouldn't be scared by The Nightmare Before Christmas, because she would like that movie no matter what.

"Otay, mommy." Angel huffed cutely, crawling out from underneath the table and standing in front of me.

"Thank you." I said, crouching down to slide the purple pajama shirt with a frog on it over her head.

Once it was situated, I picked her up and placed her on the couch. I walked over to the DVD player, turning it on and letting it do it's thing since the right disc was already in there from the thousands of times we'd already watched it. I forwarded through commercials, they were old anyways. Once it got to the main menu, I pressed play and sat on the couch beside Angel, her cuddling up into my side as the movie started.

Not even halfway through the movie, Angel was out like a light. Her head was on my lap, and I ran my fingers through her black hair to sooth her into staying asleep. Just in case, I left the movie running and it was the only thing to light up the room at all. I looked at the time on my phone, seeing it was barely 9:30 at night. I sighed and leaned my head back on the couch pillow behind me, closing my eyes in hopes I could get at least a little sleep right now.

But that was proved to be impossible when I heard the front door open and close, followed by footsteps towards the living room. I carefully lifted Angel's head off my lap, replacing it with a pillow that she automatically cuddled into. I grabbed the first thing I could, which was just the TV remote. Before I could do anything, the hall light switched on and Ricky stood halfway down it with a smile.

"Damn it Ricky, didn't you learn from the last time not to sneak in the house like that?" I scolded, letting my hands drop to my sides.

"Sorry, habit." Ricky apologized.

"I missed you so much." I mumbled as he walked to rest of the way towards me, embracing me in a tight hug.

"I missed you to-" he cut himself off, listening for a moment. "Is she watching Cinderella again?" he asked like it was shocking.

"Yup, she loves the damned movie." I sighed and Ricky chuckled.

"Is she asleep though?"

"Was out after the first thirty minutes."

"Yep, I'm definitely home." Ricky said, planting a kiss on my lips.


Just wanted to say before we continue on to the final author's note, I saw MIW for the first time last night (1/15/17) and omg it was beautiful! I saw Ricky and he smiled at me and as I rocked the fudge out to Abigail Chris ended up on the side of the stage I was around and he pointed at me and gave me a thumbs up and then Ghost stared at me like a creepster . . . I hid behind my friend it freaked me out XD

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