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The picture above or to the side will make sense later in the chapter.
Sara's Point of View

The guys stayed for a couple more hours after we all ate, and during that time Ricky started to smile. They weren't ever big smiles, but they were small ones. It looked like me getting in this accident hurt him, possibly more than it hurt me. I felt bad, I really did.

Balz and Ryan were nice guys too, both making me laugh at their dumb jokes. Chris played a few of Motionless In White's songs off YouTube, and I quickly found a liking to them. It was kind of cool that I knew a band, especially this one because they were all so nice and kind. Apparently there was one more band member I hadn't formerly met again, his name was Devin but everybody called him Ghost I guess. Everybody told me he was one of the nicest people I'd ever meet, and Balz told me how he was Cruella Devill for Halloween one year. I was thankful there was a picture, he made a good Cruella.

As they all began to leave, I gave them hugs. It felt like I've known them forever, I probably have known them for a long time. I still didn't remember anything, but the feeling of it stuck to me. Balz gave me one of the tightest hugs, and I joked with him about not being able to breathe.

Ricky was the last to give me a hug, and he seemed pretty hesitant on giving me one. I had to ultimately initiate the hug, and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me close, and it seemed like more feeling was put into this hug than any other one. I understood, a little bit. If Ricky was my boyfriend before I lost my memory, it had to of been hard seeing me in a coma everyday for almost a month. The sudden thoughts of how much he was by my side without me realizing it struck me, but I couldn't form the words to ask.

As they all left, I muttered a goodnight to Chris and smiled. He did the same and I walked to my room, shutting the door behind me. Going over to the box, I pulled out what could be used as good pajamas. They were black leggings and an over-sized grey t-shirt. I took my clothes into the bathroom with me, grabbing underwear along the way, and switched on the shower. Stripping from my clothes to get in, I winced at the little pain and soreness I still had in my side. Hopefully that'd be gone soon, I hated the feeling of any kind of pain.

I ran shampoo and conditioner through my hair, as well as washed my body with vanilla scented body wash. I was thankful for whoever packed my shower things, I didn't see some girl in a coma showering every day.

I got out and put on the clothes, the shirt gigantic on me. It reached down to my mid thighs, I barely even needed the leggings. I don't think this shirt was mine; unless I used to smoke and wear cologne. As I was unmaking the bed, I noticed something on my bedside table. Looking at it, I noticed it was a frame and an adorable picture inside. It was of two people, kissing each other. I noticed the guy was Ricky, and the girl looked like it was... like it was me. My hair was longer in that picture though, I must have chopped off a couple inches after that. It was a cute picture, and I now knew for sure that Ricky was my boyfriend before the accident, before the memory loss.

Why would he pack this picture of us though? Wouldn't he want to keep it with him for memories? Memories. That was it, he packed it in hope it'd jog a memory, I bet you anything. I looked at it, trying to remember something. I wanted to remember anything from that day. But nothing came, and I'd been staring at the picture for maybe ten minutes. I sighed and looked away, getting underneath the covers and snuggled into them. I took a deep breath, accidentally inhaling the scent of the shirt which I recall being Ricky's scent.

Why did I have to lose my memory?

- - - -

I woke up the next morning to loud commotions and the smell of bacon. Getting out of bed, I yawned and stretched as I walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and ran a comb through my tangled black hair, throwing it into a messy knot on my head. Walking out of my room, the loud voices of more than Chris got even louder.

I entered the kitchen, and saw everybody from last night, plus one, helping to make breakfast somehow. Ricky was the first to see me, since he didn't have his back to me. He smiled what seemed fondly, over looking my outfit and I realized I was wearing his shirt. I felt my cheeks heat up, and he chuckled quietly to himself as he went back to stirring batter I think it was.

"There she is!" the plus one cheered with a smile and everybody besides Ricky looked up at me.

"Morning guys," I greeted with a sheepish smile.

"Morning!" Balz screeched from his spot at the stove.

Chris turned to me with a smile, and mine immediately dropped as I stared at him.

"What?" he asked.

Ricky snickered, realizing what I was looking at.

"You don't have your eyebrows drawn on, you ugly bastard." Ricky teased him.

"Oh well," Chris shrugged and I snorted a little.

Chris turned back around and continued to flip pancakes. I noticed Balz was in charge of eggs, Ryan was making orange juice by hand, the plus one was making the bacon, and Ricky was as I said before stirring batter for most likely more pancakes.

"Is there anything I can help with?" I asked them.

"Nope!" everybody shouted.

"Well, she could put on music." Plus one commented.

"True," Chris agreed and I gave a thumbs up as I walked over to the stereo, attempting to work it.

I finally found the power button, turning it on and going through random CD's on the shelf beside it. I found one that caught my eye, and skipped the first song, going straight to my favorite song they played for me last night.

"GET UP!" Chris' voice screamed through the stereo. "BLEH!" it continued.

Everybody started head banging while they made whatever they were, and then all started singing, Chris the only one obviously matching the song exactly as he sang along to himself.

"You pull the trigger just for fun

Forgetting I'm a loaded gun

So hate me for the things I've done

And not for what I've now become!"

Everybody silenced themselves as the stereo continued to play the next part, joining in again for the chorus.

"Crawling from hell

Fallen from grace

And there is nothing left to take

Leaving the past

To the grave

So we can, Reincarnate!"

Ricky shook the extra batter from his spoon, starting to use it as a guitar. Well, now I know what instrument he must play for the band.

The rest of preparing breakfast went like this, and when it was finally done we all sat at the table and dug in. The pancakes were delicious, bacon cooked to perfection, juice made skillfully, eggs mouth watering. Ricky, Ryan, and I were put on dish duty after, and we made fun of it by listening to music and cracking awful jokes every so often.

I briefly wondered if every morning went like this around these guys, and it only made me want to remember things more. After the dishes were done, everybody gathered around, trying to figure out something to do.

"Movie day!" Balz yelled and everybody cheered in agreement.

We all picked out two of our favorite movies each, and took our positions in the living room. We'd get different snack foods and shit later, all filled up from the massive breakfast that was made. Balz dragged a bean bag out from somewhere, and plopped down on that while everybody else took a spot on the couch. There was a space between Chris and Ricky, and feeling the want to lay down, I placed myself sideways between them. Putting my feet and legs in Chris' lap, my head in Ricky's as I turned on my side to see the screen better.

Chris put his arms over my legs, not caring. Ricky was a little hesitant, but then propped his head up on one of the arm rests with his hand, the other draped over my shoulders. The first movie of the day started, and I soon stopped calling the one guy "Plus One", realizing it was Ghost.

I had a feeling today would be a good one.

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