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"We're under attack!" I exclaimed.

It was a hot summer day, and the AC in the house stopped working for whatever strange reason. Either way, Ricky and I were nearly dying of this heat wave and called over Chris, Ryan, Balz, and Ghost to come die with us. Obviously, we did not tell them about the broken air conditioning inside the house.

Somehow, we all ended up outside, and Ryan came across a Nerf water gun. Why Ricky and I had one was one of the biggest mysteries of all known time. But nevertheless, we had them and they were being put to very good use. Ryan had started a water gun war, and Ricky managed to find more water guns to keep the battle going. Our patio furniture was flipped on its sides, everybody split up into teams.

Team one was Ricky, Ghost, and I, while team two was Chris, Ryan, and Balz. I wasn't sure how long we'd been out here, but it seemed like awhile. My team was hidden behind the flipped over patio table, the others behind a wall of the patio chairs that went with the table. Our clothes were all drenched and sticking to our bodies, hair sopping wet. No shots were currently being fired, both teams coming up with attack plans.

"I say we just go for it, this isn't actual war." was the best we all came up with.

And so I quietly stood to my feet, walked around my cover and stood in the middle of the "battle field". I made sure my gun was loaded and ready, still not making a sound. Ryan, Chris, and Balz all stood up at once, not expecting to see me there. I shot Chris in the chest with some water, and he fell back pretending he was actually wounded and dying.

"No!" Balz yelled. "He was my lover you bitch," he yelled at me playfully.

"Well maybe you should've protected him then huh, pretty boy?" I teased back, motioning as if I wanted Balz to come at me with everything he's got.

"You shall pay!" Balz yelled as he hopped over their wall of chairs.

He pressed the fire button of his water gun, and before it hit me Ricky jumped in front of me, landing on the ground by my feet. I dropped to my knees, taking his hand and shedding fake tears.

"Ricky you sacrificed yourself for me," I whimpered.

"I'd sacrifice myself for you any day, my love. Including if it was a real bullet," he whispered as if literally dying.

"Awe Ricky," I cooed as I lent down and planted a kiss upon his lips.

I grabbed my little water gun and readied it for fire. "And thus with one last kiss, I die." I quoted the famous Shakespeare play before squirting water in my mouth and "dying" beside Ricky.

"When the fuck did this become Romeo and Juliet shit?" Balz asked from above us.

"Yeah guys, I don't wanna do this if you're gonna like, add to the story and have deceased sex or something." Ryan commented.

"Ryan," Ricky said as he pushed himself back onto his feet. "You're a sick bastard." he finished and punched Ryan in the shoulder.

I woke up a little startled from my sleep, and looked around. I was still in my room, light barely creeping in from the cracks of my drapes, showing it was most likely early morning. I looked at my phone which lay plugged in charging on my night stand, seeing it was indeed only 6:03 AM.

I sighed and laid back down again, rubbing at my eyes with the palms of my hand. That was the first memory I recalled in so long, but thankfully it was a good memory. I liked that it involved a little about my "relationship" with Ricky, and also a little about knowing everybody. I turned on my side and looked at the picture of Ricky and I kissing in the frame. That has come to be one of my most favorite pictures of them all. Don't get me wrong, I loved every picture of us, but this one held a lot of meaning it felt like, and I was really hoping that memory would soon return. I clutched at the dog tag around my neck on it's chain, yes, I wore it.

It felt only right to wear it, and after that doctor's appointment I couldn't find myself taking it off. It hid underneath my shirts and hoods though, not wanting to raise suspicion to why I randomly began wearing it again. I felt like I had a little school girl crush on Ricky at the moment, and I was just waiting for the day he noticed me in the halls or in a class we shared to ask me out. Obviously we weren't in school, but I was madly crushing on somebody that apparently already loves me.

After I shared that I could see me dating Ricky again in the future to Dr. Burke and Ghost, she said that was all for the day and to come back if I ever needed a refill on my pain pills because I always need to have a prescription for it before going to the pharmacy. So far I still had over half a bottle, so I think I was okay for awhile.

I also haven't seen Ghost much, a few texts shared here and there but that was it. I spent my days lounging on the couch, eating whatever food I could find that looked good. It was usually a bag of Doritos, Chris always had a bag in stock for me. I began texting Juliet a lot more, and even though I still hardly remembered anything about our friendship it seemed like I never forgot a thing. She'd said we talked like we always used to, and it wasn't that much different between us. I like having her as a friend, she was really helpful lately.

I shared my dilemma about liking Ricky a smidgen and she was giving me advice on how to go about it. I was very thankful for having Juliet as a friend, to say the least. I even was able to meet Andy again through a Skype call we had last night, which was lovely. They were preparing for Warped Tour, which sounded fun the way they described it. I looked up dates, and found there was a show maybe an hour away from Scranton and I needed to talk to Chris about letting me go. Chris has been a big protective baby since I got out of the hospital and had my first pains.

I wasn't allowed to get a cup from the cabinet without his help, I wasn't allowed to unload the dishwasher, I couldn't cook dinner for us one night, I couldn't go with him to the super market to buy us food, I literally could not do anything without Chris flipping shit. I love Chris to death, he's like an older brother I never had, but this protective, treating me like a baby bullshit has to come to a stop. I haven't been in serious pain for almost two weeks, my ribs were fully healed and I rarely ever got a headache. And when I did, Advil does the trick in curing it.

It was now almost seven, and so deciding to prove to Chris I can cook for us, I decided to make us breakfast. Hopefully he likes waffles, cause that's the only breakfast food I'm capable of making and not burning.

So I pulled my lazy ass out of bed, slipped on a pair of gigantic pajama pants that were again Ricky's I bet, and threw my hair up into a ponytail as I left the room. I smoothed out my oversized shirt that smelt like Ricky - yes I still sleep in it - and walked into the kitchen. The first thing to catch my eye as I walked over to the fridge to start grabbing ingredients, was a note taped to the refrigerator door. I pulled it off, quickly reading through it. God, whoever wrote this has terrible writing.

- Sara

Are you up for a scavenger hunt today? Great. Throughout the day you'll be given random clues, and will have transportation about places when needed for the next two days. Your prize shall remain a surprise, and your clues will be written in riddles. For now I'll let you off easy, hopefully this isn't cheesy, but eat some breakfast then get ready, for today's ride won't stay steady.

- R

Okay, so "R" could be two different people I know. Either Ryan, or Ricky. And I wasn't even sure which one it was since I didn't know either of their hand writing and what this whole scavenger hunt thing was about.

So I did as followed, and ate breakfast which turned out be just cereal, and got ready for the day. I had a feeling the next two days are gonna be tiring.

- - - - -

I just wanted to quickly say thanks for getting this story over 100+ reads, I love writing it so much and I have the rest planned out mentally. I also wanted to let you guys know I'm aiming this story to be 30 chapters at most, so keep that number in the back of your head when reading it okay? Cool!

Stay happy not crappy, life's a bitch don't quit, stay rad not sad, okay bye!

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