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Ricky's POV

I took deep breaths as I stared at myself in the mirror. My black and grey tux was snug, but it was my fault for buying it two days after I proposed. I should've known that since Sara was pregnant, the cravings would eventually start, and like every other partner, I ate everything sweet that Sara did. I'd kept telling myself that my tux would fit with no problem, and although it did, it was a bit more roomy last time I tried it on. It was most likely all the hot fudge sundaes that killed me, the number one thing Sara craved for a good two and a half months straight. She ate them so much, that we went through the little Hershey chocolate fudge bottle in four days. Of course it had already been half empty or so, but it was still ridiculous.

Once we ran out of that, I went to the store and bought two gigantic tubs of hot fudge. She'd gone through them both in one month, and the day I came home with another big thing of it she told me "No, I don't want it anymore" and her new craving was pepperoni pizza from a Domino's that was down the street from our house. Like a good fiancee I never complained about the cravings and when she wanted them, just helped her pack it in. And God, I was regretting that decision now.

Sara was smart, she'd bought her dress, that I of course still haven't seen, just a month ago since she was no longer pregnant and most of the other wedding details were complete. It was amazing how fast two months can fly by, Angel had already grown a little bit more from when she was first born. That was definitely the best birthday ever, and I was ecstatic I get to share my birthday with such a cute little girl.

But enough about all that stuff, today was the day. I knew since the day I met Sara I was forever tied down and committed, but this totally sealed the deal for the both of us. My eyes looked over to the digital clock on a table in the corner, and it felt like I couldn't breathe. In just ten minutes, the ceremony would begin and by the end of it I'd get to call Sara Elena Martin, Mrs. Olson. It was all so surreal, it was harder to comprehend than it was when I proposed. I wasn't getting cold feet, I was beyond ready for this. But it had come so fast, just like the day Angel was born. I was ready for both, but just a little more nervous this time then when my baby was born.

I wanted to make a great husband for Sara, I wanted to always be a great husband. I loved her so much, and I was afraid that someday in the future I'd screw things up and she'd leave me and send me divorce papers or an annulment in the mail if she were that fed up and finished with me. I prayed that day would never come, I'd lose my mind without her, surely.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and I turned around to see my parents entering the room along with Chris, my best man, Balz and Ghost. Ryan-Ashley was Sara's Maid of Honor, so she had to walk down the aisle with Chris instead of Balz, but neither of them minded since it was just how things went in a wedding. And Balz understood we wanted Angel's godparents to be apart of our court the way they were.

"Oh my gosh, Richard you look so handsome in your tux!" Mom said, and I swear that any minute now, the water works would begin. I couldn't help but cringe slightly at the use of my full name, I was so used to everybody calling me Rick or Ricky.

"You look wonderful, son." Dad said with a smile.

"Thanks," I nodded to them both.

Since Sara didn't have a dad to walk her down the aisle, mine offered to do it. When he asked Sara, you could tell she was ready to cry. But they wouldn't be sad tears, they'd be happy tears because one thing she always told me was how embarrassing it'd be to walk towards her husband alone. I hadn't even told my father this, he just automatically offered because he knew she didn't have anybody physically with her. But everybody knew they'd be watching from above, whether you believed in that stuff or not, and would be smiling and happy for their only daughter.

Immaculate Misconception [r.h] ✓Where stories live. Discover now