Chapter nine

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A few weeks have passed since that one day and time has been healing me. I have picked up jogging once again and going to the gym every other day. Those two clear my head from anything that I've been stressing about. Nathaniel has taken me to the beach and has brought me pizza. Today I decided to stay home all day in my t-shirt and yoga pants. Nathaniel said he wanted to come over so he should be here in about ten minutes. I put on netflix to watch Dexter. This show has been my favourite for a long while now. I pause it because I promised Nathaniel we would watch it together. I take a look around my apartment. It looks clean. Everything is put away and neat. The dishes are washed and put away. I took out two small blankets for Nat and I.
After a few minutes I hear a knock on the door. I get up to open it and there in front of me is Nathaniel with a bouquet of daisies, a large box of pizza and a bag of cookies. I look up to his eyes and smile big.

"I was at the store before I got the pizza to get my favourite cookies. I saw these flowers and thought you'd like them." He enters my house, putting down the pizza and cookies. He walks over to me and hands me the flowers. My heart begins to race.

"Thank you so much." I say quietly. I gently grab the flowers from his grip and smile so big. He bows his head and heads to the couch.

"Aye thanks for pausing Dexter!" He sits down removing his shoes. He continues to talk but I'm too caught up in the fact that he bought me flowers because he thought I'd like them. That makes me speechless. Its so kind of him. I walk over to my kitchen to put them in a vase.

"Did you hear me?" He looks over his shoulder to me. I cock my head up to him and ask him to repeat himself.

"I asked if you're ready to watch Dexter?" He looks over at me. Our eyes meet and I smile instantly. I nod then grab two water bottles and brought them over to the small black table where the pizza and cookies are at. I take a seat beside him and he presses play.

"Want some cookies?" He tilts the bag over to me. I look at the bag then the pizza and back to his face. He notices and smiles oddly. "What?"

"You're trying to make me fat Nat, nat!" I pretend to pout. He laughs, throwing back his head then bring it up again.

"No I'm not! You look good, Catherine don't even." He brings out a cookie for me to grab but I deny it. He does a straight face and tells me to take it.

"No Nathaniel!" I push his hand away.

"I love when you say my name!" He leans his head back and He bites the cookie. What a weirdo.

"You're so weird!" I shake my head.

"Do you not like how I say your name?" He crosses his arms.

"I mean - I guess if you were moaning it then I'd love it even more.." I start then cover my mouth right after. I can't believe I just said that. Nathaniel's head pops up and looks at me with a smirk.

"Is that so?" He raises his eyebrow. I begin to blush. "That could be arranged."

"Oh my gosh, Nathaniel stop!" I cover my face with the small blanket. I hear him laugh beside me. His hand touches my back and starts to rub my back.

"Okay, okay. Eat these and lets watch dexter." He sighs after he finishes laughing then sets the cookies on my lap. I give in and eat some.

After many episodes of dexter and many slices of pizza, Nathaniel's phone rings. I'm laying down with my head on his lap and feet in the air. I pressed pause to wait until he's off his phone.

"Im here with Catherine. Bryan can't do it? - But we're - okay fine. Be there in a bit." He hangs up his phone and sighs. I sit up, sitting criss crossed facing him.

"My mom want me to help her made food for tomorrow." He rubs his eyes. "bryan is out with his girlfriend, so he can't do it."

"What's tomorrow?" I sit up to look at him. He puts down his phone and looks up at me.

"Some of my family is coming over . She needs my help."

"Oh thats fun. What are you doing to make?" I ask as I watch him stand up from the couch.

"Probably some enchiladas." He shoves his phone in his pocket and picks up the empty bag of cookies to throw away. I get up from the couch as well and grab the empty water bottles to recycle them.

"Oh sounds amazing." I sit down on the kitchen counter. "Could I come along with you?" I ask. He turns to look at me and smiles. "If you don't mind."

"No, of course you could come." He comes in between my legs and hugs me. My arms reach around his neck and hug him tightly. His arms are around my waist as he pulls me off the counter, carrying me to my bedroom. His hands are now touching my butt.

"I'm sorry for touching you butt." He puts me down on my bed.

"It's okay." I laugh.

"Okay. Um.." he blushes. "Get ready. You don't have to get dressed up. Wear sweats." He says then leaves my room.

I get off the bed and go over to my dresser. I pull out my grey capri sweats with a black v- neck. I change into those and apply some make up. Just some blush to give my cheeks some colour and some mascara. I put my hair up in a pony tail and put on my glasses. I take one last look at myself in the mirror and put on my grey converse. I don't look that bad. I exit my room to find Nathaniel sitting on my bed on his phone. He looks up at me and grins.

"You ready Cat?" He gets up and heads to the door. I nod then shove my phone in my pocket and grab my keys to lock the door.

"Come along" Nathaniel smiles and grabs my hand. His hand intertwined with mine in the most innocent way. His hands are soft and gentle. He turns around to lead the way down stairs. This is the first time we actually held hands like this. I - I love it. I'm lost in this moment when he lets go of my hand, I feel disconnected until I realise why he did it. He opens the car door for me to get in. I get in, throw my head back and sigh. We're friends. Only friends.
Once he gets in, he buckles in and turns on the radio and takes off.

"By the way, my mom knows you're coming over. Just a warning, she sounds excited. Get ready for her to talk a hella lot." He groans.

"It's fine. I miss her. I haven't seen her in a while." I grin. A few moment later his phone goes off.

"Ah man. This girl is annoying." He reads his text message at a green light.

"Who?" I ask.

"This casey, chick. I mean she's like hot but so annoying." He complains.

"I understand that. Is she constantly calling you up?" He hands me his phone. She double texts him and adds smiley faces.

"Oh my goodness. This girl wants you." I chuckle then click her profile picture. She is very pretty. She shouldn't chase guys. "She's pretty."

"She's pretty annoying." He laughs at his own joke.

"I mean - I guess." I crack a smile and put down his phone. She has coloured eyes. No wonder he likes her. I really wish I had coloured eyes instead of this ugly brown colour. I'm slightly jealous. We keep driving on, songs change here and there. We finally arrive to his moms house. I really like his parents house. Its a perfect size just for them and Bryan. Nathaniel parks in the driveway and opens the door for me to get out. I tries to take my hand again but I pull it away, pretending to attend to my hair. He shoves his hands in his pockets and walks in front of me. I put my hands in my pockets as well and follow behind him. I stand beside him as he unlocks the door. The house smells of food and fresh air from the open windows.

IrresistibleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang