Chapter four

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After a couple of days, I decide to go over Nathaniel's to tell him. I have no idea how I am going to tell him.

On my drive over to his house I think about how it's going to go down. Is he still going to be with her or? As I walk up Nat's stair way I hear screaming and shouting from inside his apartment.
"Who the hell is she Nat?!"
"She's just my long time friend, please lower your voice."

Tessa curses him out with a loud bang following. Thats when I start pounding on his door.

"Screw you Nathaniel! She's not your friend. I know you guys had a history together!" Tessa yells.

"Yes, history. That's what it is. Nothing more!" Ouch. After a few more knocks I use my spare key Nat got for me. As I open the door there is a broken cup in between them two. They both look over at me, Tessa's eyes widen with angry/shock and Nat shakes his head looking away from me. Tessa looks over at Nat and shoves him. I set down my purse and put my phone in my back pocket.

"She's has an extra key?! You gave her an extra key!" Tessa pushes him again.

"Lay another hand on him and I will personally take you outside so we could deal with this." I stand with my face right in front Tessa. She looks at me without losing eye contact.

"The door was unlocked. Don't just jump to conclusions." I lie then take a quick glance Nat.

"Why did you come here?" He asks in a low disappointed voice. I take a step aside him and Tessa. Tessa has her arms crossed and all her weight is on her left leg.
"I have something important to tell you that involves Tessa and I-" I say but then get cut off by Nathaniel.

"Damn it Catherine!" He yells at me. "Can't you mine your own business for once in your damn life! Stay out of my relationship!"

I'm completely taken back at Nathaniel's voice. He's yelling me. I feel like a child. I begin to let tears fall with my head bowed down. Nathaniel is tugging at the roots of his hair. Tessa holds a smirk when she walks over to me. Her cold hand touched my chin, forcing me to look up at her.

"Leave." Her smirk going more. "He's mine now." She whispers. I stare in her evil blue eyes. She's not a good person at all. Nat touches her shoulder and she goes to Nat, hugging him tightly. I stay there standing beside the two toxic couple with tears in my eyes. Nat is holding Tessa as if she was going to leave him forever and Tessa is eyeing me with an evil smirk. I try my best not to cry in front of them both but it's hard. My best friend just yelled at me and is still with a cheating girlfriend.

"Just tell Ruben I said his girlfriend is a cheating whore." My voice cracks. Tessa's grip on my best friend loosens while Nat pulls away from her fully. I don't meet either of their gaze. Instead I head to the couch where I threw my purse at and grab my keys out of it.

"Check Rubens instagram. They've been dating for three months." I say before opening the front door. As I was about to leave, Nat calls my name.

"Catherine, wait." He says. I turn to him and he gives me a I'm sorry face. Instead of saying anything, I walked away.

* * *
The last couple of days dragged on. I haven't spoken to Nathaniel in about 4 days which is a lot for us two. He has tried to contacted me but I blew him off. I've been hanging out with brandon to clear my head. We're supposed to have lunch in five minutes.
I suppose I should get ready. I take a look in the mirror and decided my hair and makeup look good. I wear skinny jeans with a flannel and call it quits.

I arrive at panera bread early and wait for his arrival. After two minutes he arrives.
"Hi babe." He kisses my cheek. I blush.
"Hello Brandon." I say then take a seat. He tells me how pretty I look and how much he loves seeing my face. I once again, blush.

"Your smile is my favourite." He tells me.
"Oh stop, you." I tell him. He smiles back at me.
"So how are you?" He says after her sips his water. I take a moment to look at him. His blue eyes shine out between his blonde eyelashes. His skin is light complected. His hair is done nice and neat. He's wearing a button up shirt some what like a hawaiian shirt but less bright.

"I'm alright. I got into a little argument with my best friend." I shrug. He looks at me unsure of what to do or say.

"Oh. Sorry about that." He says. I look at him with a small smile. If this was Nathaniel he would bug me until I told him every little detail of what went wrong but he's not Nathaniel. Nathaniel wants me to butt out of his relationships.

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