Chapter eight

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Once he gets in the car he drives off. I finally decide to play nobody love by Tori Kelly and start to sing along immediately. Nathaniel keeps looking over at me but I don't pay any attention to it because I love this song.

"I see you're better than yesterday." He lowers the music a bit.

"Yeah. I did a lot of thinking. Even though I kind of told him to leave, he didn't stand his ground and fight for us. You know? Like that one time I was mad at you." I start to bring up our first serious argument. "I was going to walk away but then you grabbed my wrist and said that we're going to talk about it. He didn't do that. So why should I be all over a guy who didn't fight for us." I breathe then look over at Nathaniel. He has a side smile.

"I remember that." He then rubs his mouth with his left hand while his right hand is steering the car. "Well dude, I'm glad you realise the stupid shit he did to you and decided to end it even though you really liked him."

"He's just - I don't know. He's - he promised me that he would be the best boyfriend I've ever had but then ended up being the worst. It makes me laugh because of how ironic it is."

"Yeah that is ironic. He wasn't good at all was he? He didn't tell you to talk it out." He shakes his head then pulls into the driveway where all the restaurants and stores are at. "Like seriously, he could have talked to you, I would have done that." He finds a parking spot then parks the car, shutting off the engine.

"He's not you." I lean on the arm rest. Nathaniel takes the keys out of the car and sighs.

"Yeah, obviously not."

"You're the only exception, Nathaniel." I look over at him. His hazel eyes meet mine. They soften as well as his arms. He leans on the armrest getting close to my face. I'm for a second, getting intimidated by the space between us.

"The one and only, baby." He winks, touches my chin with his hand then gets off the car. I finally breathe and look down while smiling. I dont know what I was expecting but the way he went about it seemed like the good way to go. I get off the car and see him on his phone.

"My mom wants me to go over her house later on." He stretches. His shirt raises when he stretches, showing his tummy just a bit. He looks over at me. I'm standing awkwardly looking at him holding my hands in front of me. I watch as his eyes rake my body and his bottom lip is taken in his mouth. I stand there not sure of what to do. Do I talk or wait? I let out a cough to make him aware of his actions. He looks up at me holding a smirk.

"You need to put those short away, they're very distracting Cat." He throws his arm over my shoulders pulling me along to the frozen yogurt store. I try my hardest to push his arm off but it doesn't budge. He finally takes it off once we reach the door. He opens the door for me to walk in and I thank him.

"This ones on me." He says. I turn to face him and squeeze my cheeks together to make a funny face.

"That's very nice of you Nat, Nat!" I say. He looks at me and chuckles.

"If you keep doing that, then no." He jokes. I pretend to pout but then go and choose my flavour of yogurt.

Nathaniel picks his classic chocolate vanilla swirl with cookie dough toppings. I pick pistachio with peanuts on top. Nathaniel insisted on paying so I take a seat at a table. I wrap my arms around my stomach. Its cold in here. "Here you go." He sets my yogurt down in front of me. "Thank you kind sir." I unwrap my arms and take a bite of my yogurt. "Sir?" He questions. "Sounds kinky." He chuckles. I put down my spoon and look at "Sir? No it doesn't. You are so weird.." I squint my eyes at him. "You secretly liked it, come on now." He smirks. I make a disgusted face and he laughs. "Okay maybe not"

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