silvers story!

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15 years ago i was arround the age of two or three and my mother was in a hospital i was too young to understand why! My dad just said,it was her time to go and help god! But at the age of three i honestly had no knowledge of what god or heaven meant! You used the word my dad used at the time 'naive'! I just kept on saying daddy are we gonna see her anytime soon? He just simply replied no son! She is gone! Lets just jump a little further ahead! At the age of five, when i went to kindergarten, as a kid i wasn't the popular kid or the nerd! As bad as life was even though it gets worse! But anyway i was the lame weirdo that everybody hated, i had no friends, not even the teachers did anything about it! So for a solid year i was treated like scum. But not a year later destruction and Chao's unfolded, and the day of disaster haopened! Fire erupted from the ground, lava came from the hillsides, people were burst into flames as i sat there hearing there painful cries of pain, as they slowly and painfully died! Silver just stood there frozen in fear! He had no idea what to do! That is until his father came and yelled,'silver get in the car now! That got silver to move. Once his dad and him got in the car his dad pushed the gas pedal and hastily drove home! Every few seconds swerving to avoid the flames bursting through the ground, that is until one made them swerve into a skyscraper! Three minutes silver woke up and saw red and debris around him! He looked around and saw he wasn't in the car and the fact some one dragged him out of the car and into a building! But the man wasn't his father! He asked,' where am i, where is daddy? Who are you? The man said he was jon! And said im sorry to say this, but your dad didn't make it and the fact he died on impact! Silver just froze and burst into tears. And kept muttering why, why me? Kid its gonna be okay your gonna be okay I'll take you to where the survivors are going okay you wont be alone anymore. Really? Yes! Ten years later... Silver are you sure you want to go and live on your own you can just stay here? Sorry jon but i need to do this! Alright but you be safe okay? I will don't worry! And just like that he flew out of there like a jet! As silver was flying he noticed a lilac figure walking arround aimlessly! He flew down to investigate! This part he didn't mention to blaze riders out! And when he got there he saw the most beautiful lilac cat he's ever seen! She was wearing a purple dress with blue jeans red and white soap shoes with a fluff at the ankle and gloves of course and to top it off she had beautiful amber eyes with her hair in a bun! He asked her are you lost? The cat looked around trying to find the source of the voice! Until silver said up here! She looked up and jumped in surprise to see someone just floating! Don't freak out it's just my telekinesis! Whats your name? Blaze! Oh I'm silver, may i ask why your just wondering arround and not hiding? Why should i be hiding? Because iblis will find you if you don't! Whose iblis? What do you mean whose iblis? Im sorry but i just got here! What do you mean? I uh mean i just got here as in this area! Oh well you better come with me then I'll take you someplace safe! I'll be fine on my own! Just then a fire creature rose up and knocked blaze back just as he was gonna throw a car at it she shot fire back at it which caught silver off guard! Whoa what was that? Oh you may have telekinesis but i have pyrokinesis! You have the ability to control fire thats so cool! And just like that we became fast friends the end! Silver said obviously Not done but blaze will let that slide for now! Whew long chapter hope you guys liked it don't forget to vote and leave a comment below, thanks riders out!

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