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Hey guys this page is dedicated to just voting heres what you have to do.
First, go down click that star open up the comment area and type one of these:
Vote,S.R.T.L 1 if you want a trilogy
Vote,S.R.T.L 2 if you want just a sequel
Vote,S.R.T.L 3 if you want just a one shot
And thats it the voting will last a month then i will tally the votes and start the draft of the story on paper. Thanks to all who stuck around. And one more thing to those who gave up reading this but i don't judge. All that matters is you gave it a try, so thanks. But I'm gonna do something at the end of chapter, where i post how many words, views, and both comments, votes, and total inspiration. So again i had fun writing this, riders out.
Total words:6731 total views:290 total votes:15 total comments:6 total inspiration: high, i really hope to continue

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