the heart break (told in silvers pov)

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What happened to blaze? She use to be the nicest girl ever! Well not entirely but nobody's perfect. But still what happened to the girl i once had a crush on? Is it the body her soul was transfered into? No! It would be the same maybe just maybe its the flames of disaster and the emerald thingies? Thats it its the flames and the sol emeralds! Where the hell is the castle i swear we didn't go to far to get to the lake. But still what blaze said is getting to me! Maybe we should just hurry up and leave! Without blaze! Silver where did you go? Oh crap she's gonna yell at me when she finds me better hide! He finds a tree next to a couple of bushes and hides! Grr silver damn where did he go? Sigh! I hope he's alright! I shouldn't have yelled! I mean it's not entirely true! Not entirely true what does she mean? But before he could listen he slipped on a rock and fell out of the bushes! Uh oh im in trouble! Except blaze ran up and hugged him! Oh silver thank god your okay! What? She just caught me eavesdropping and she is worried about me? Silver look, im sorry i shouldn't have yelled it was wrong of me! Look blaze im not mad. Silver said this with a huge blush on his cheek! But blaze didn't notice on account of her own blush! (After next part i will put why in the meantime im gonna finish up this chapter!) Blaze aren't you mad? You just caught me eavesdropping! Silver that doesn't matter lets just walk, walk not fly back to the castle! Seriously why arent you mad? This was confusing silver! I should stop asking before she gets mad again but im so curious! Fine lets go! But why did you say its not entirely true? And im gonna leave it there guys sorry but ill explain in the next two parts sorry but next part will be another note! So as always vote and favorite! Riders out!

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