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Patrick followed his father around that day, listening to his complaining, his observations, and even a few of his complements for the up keeping of their cabin. He tried to figure a way to explain about Daya to his father and the rest of his family.

"Father?" Patrick asked tentatively during a lapse in his father's speech about being a man.

"Yes, son?" his father was clearly annoyed.

"What is your view on the natives?"

"You mean the savages? They are a nuisance to us. They inhabit our land, steal our belongings, and attack us! They don't understand that they are inferior. Someone needed to put them in their place as President Jackson did. If you ask me, they shouldn't just be moved. They should be eradicated!" Patrick's father gave a disapproving sneer towards the woods.

Patrick swallowed nervously and ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh, um..." he stuttered, insure of how to go on. His father continued.

"If it was me, I would just shoot the lot of them. If I see any near here, I will not hesitate to shoot their bloody brains out!"

Suddenly full of anger, Patrick exploded, "Not all of them deserve that! There are so many good ones out there!"

He turned and stormed off into the house.

Patrick banged the door open and stalked into his room, passing his mother who was peeling potatoes. Patrick stayed in his room for the rest of the day, avoiding his father. His mother brought him his supper, but he only pushed the food around his face, chasing it with his utensils.

A little after dark, Patrick heard angry shouts coming from outside. He rushed to his window and saw a dark shape sprinting away from the cellar. He heard his father shout again followed by a gunshot.

Daya. Patrick raced out of his room and flung open the front door. He hurled himself off the porch and sprinted toward his father, hurtling fallen objects in his way.

He saw Daya trip, her surefootedness gone as she skidded to the ground. He saw his father lift his rifle and level it at Daya's chest.

"NO!" Patrick screamed as he launched himself in front of the gun.

"Get out of the way, Patrick! I found this dog stealing from us right under our noses!" His father growled through clenched teeth.

At this point, Patrick's mother had exited the cabin, holding his sleepy sister tightly by her wrist.

Patrick shot pleading eyes in his mother's direction. He backed up, placing his body protectively over Daya, who clutched a twisted ankle, grimacing in pain.

"No, father. I won't let you hurt her." Patrick glowered at his father, tensing his body.

"I said 'get out of the way', boy. Before I shoot you too," His father's voice dropped to a deadly level. His steely resolve was clearly visible in his wild eyes.

"I said 'no'."

Patrick stared his father down, not moving a muscle. Patrick's mother inhaled sharply and Sarah began to tremble and cry. Still, Patrick didn't move an inch.


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