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Patrick clung to his belongings as he was pushed about. His family was boarding a ship destined to America. Sarah clutched his hand tightly and Patrick turned to his friends. He gave them a feeble wave good-bye, then turned his back on England forever and boarded the ship to America.

Patrick and Sarah stared out to sea. They had been out in the open ocean for what seemed like years. The sky was a lovely blue color. Patrick sighed and breathed in the salty ocean air. That was the only part of this trip that Patrick enjoyed. The fresh air made him feel free and alive. Sarah seemed to perk up significantly at the sight of the open ocean as well. She hated the passenger barracks under the deck where they ate and slept. The barracks were crowded and claustrophobic. Many of the passengers were sick or unpleasant. It was good for the two siblings to be able to walk about in the open air.

Suddenly, the sky turned black. The ship began to toss and turn. It lurched back and forth, side to side. Patrick clung to the ship's wooden railing, fear washing over him just as the waves washed against the ship's hull. Sarah hung to him, trembling with fear. Her hair whipped about her head. Patrick wrapped an arm protectively around her.

Patrick's parents stumbled about the deck in search of their children. They called out, but their voices were swallowed by the wind, which was now howling in rage. A few crew members soon made them go back inside the barracks.

The ship tipped so far that it was completely on its side. Sarah and Patrick were tossed about. Patrick felt Sarah's little body being thrown around and tightened his grip on her tiny hand and saw her do the same to her doll still clutched in her hand. Her dress skirts flapped wildly around her as they attempted to make it to the barracks.

Sweat and ocean spray beaded their hands and Sarah began to slip from Patrick's grasp. She finally slipped free and sailed through the air like a rag doll, landing a few feet from the edge of the deck. Her doll was wrenched from her grasp and slid towards the edge of the ship. Sarah lunged for it and snatched it right as it fell off the edge. The ship lurched one more time, and Sarah slipped off the edge as well. Her arms flailed as she dropped over the side.

"No!" Patrick's scream echoed over the howling wind. He raced to the place that Sarah had fallen from. He looked down, and saw her clutching the edge of the ship. Her eyes were wide with fear and glistening with tears. Patrick grabbed her little, pale hand and hauled her back onto the ship, grappling with the force of the wind that wished to drag them both to watery graves. He tried to console her as he guided her to the cabin doors and dragged her inside, slamming the door behind them.

Their parents ran to embrace them, crying. They all sat on the floor, rocking with the boat and each other, praying for the storm to end soon.

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