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It was a fine day when the ship finally docked in Massachusetts. Patrick and his family gathered the few belongings they had brought with them and hurried into a small town near the water's edge.

Here, they bought a horse, a covered wagon, and some food. They all climbed into the covered wagon and rode off in search of a place for Sarah and her mother to stay while Patrick and his father explored out west and built them a new home.

They found a nice family to stay with for the night. They had a daughter the same age as Sarah, but no son. Patrick didn't mind, though. He would be leaving in the morning anyway. The family agreed to give Sarah and her mother a place to stay until Patrick and his father got back, but they would have to earn their keep. Patrick's father bargained with the man of the house and they settled an agreement.

Patrick could barely sleep that night. He was nervous for the big journey ahead of him. He had heard rumors of the natives being savages and killing any white people that trespassed on their land.

He finally fell asleep as the sun was beginning to rise. After a few hours of fitful sleep laced with various ways an Indian could kill him, Patrick's father came into the room and woke him. He placed a firm hand on Patrick's shoulder and guided him out of the tiny house. Sarah and his mother stood there waiting for them.

His mother embraced him tightly and planted a big kiss on his forehead. Sarah grabbed his leg with her tiny hands. She squeezed him hard. Patrick knelt down so that he was at her height. He hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.

"It's only for a little while. I'll be back before you know it! Now, be a good girl and help Momma with the chores, yes?" Patrick held her head in his lap and stroked her soft, golden hair. She pulled back from him and nodded.

"Good," Patrick stood up. Sarah ran to her mother and took her doll from her. Patrick turned to get into the wagon, but felt a tugging on his trousers. He looked down and saw Sarah clinging tightly to him. She held up her only toy, a small China doll.

"Here, take it. I want you to have it," she said, tears in her eyes. Patrick stood dumbfounded for a moment before reaching out and taking the doll.

"Her name is Lucy. Take good care of her," Sarah raced back to her mother for the final time. Patrick nodded solemnly and said, "I will."

He climbed into the covered wagon. His father raised the whip and slashed the air with a loud crack. The horse jumped and strained in its harness. The wagon began to roll slowly, picking up the pace as it rolled along. Soon, the horse was trotting down the dirt path with the wagon rolling smoothly behind it. Patrick slumped against the wall of the wagon. He placed the China doll in his lap and stroked its hair. He imagined it was Sarah in his lap, her head he cradled, lulling her to sleep with the swaying rhythm of the wagon. Soon, he felt his eyes droop and he slipped off into a much-needed sleep.


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