Chapter 9

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So I accidentally deleted this chapter, so rewrote it. Sorry if it's different!!

When the ship made it to Qo'noS, Asonia was fully dressed, and her hair was braided back. She still hadn't spoken a word, and didn't plan to.

Not when so many people had died, and not when she knew her name would join the list of the dead. So what did it matter if protested? No one would listen anyway.

She sighed, and thought of the Enterprise, more specifically, Pavel. 'No! Ason-Mary! I won't let you die! Do you hear me? I'm not going to lose you again!'

Asonia jumped at the loudness of the voice. A voice she knew too well. "Pavel..." She whispered, lowering her head. He was alive. Alive. He was going to come for her.

Slowly a seed of hope grew inside her. Giving her just enough strength to stand up, and walked from her room head held high.

All hope died ten minutes later when she found herself shaking hands with the Klingon Prince. He reeked of Romulan Ale, and his hands were strong, yet sweaty. Every time his bloodshot eyes looked at her, she could sense a lust that made her want to puke.

"Now, Dejen is not your only suitor," Emperor Kerth said, interrupting Asonia from her thoughts. "We have many high ranking officials who wish to be your husband, as well as a few from Romulus and other nearby planets.

"And because we want you to choose wisely, your advisor Zaclyn has suggested we follow an ancient custom of your people. Though it hasn't been practiced in some time, we found it appropriate. It should start in five days."

"Of which custom do you speak of?"

"Your suitors will fight in a tournament. Whoever stands out as the winner, which you'll choose, shall become your husband." Kerth replied cheerfully. Asonia had never heard of that custom, but she wasn't going to tell him that.

Zaclyn had probably just saved her life. By getting to choose from a range of suitors, she could very much not marry Dejen at all.

But she didn't want to marry anyone, for that matter.

"May I be excused to my room?" She asked. "I am quite tired from the long trip."

"Of course empress Asonia. This way." He said, showing her they way to her her room. He left hastily, probably to tell his idiot son to stop flirting with the servants.

Asonia went into her room, and gladly sat down on the mattress. It made her upset though, there were spots where it was firm, and spots where it was lumpy. As if someone didn't fill it correctly.

She sighed and lay on her back. She was exhausted, but she had stuff to do first. Clearing her mind, Asonia took a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

'Pavel.' She thought, and soon, she was in the orange clouds. Chekov was sitting in the fluff, his back to her. He had his knees up to his chest, and he seemed to be deep in thought.

"Pavel." Asonia whispered, and he turned. A smile spread across his face.

"Asonia! You're alive! You're okay!" He exclaimed, squeezing her in a hug. Asonia smiled sadly when they broke the hug. "Vwhat's vrong? Vwhere are you?"

"I'm on Qo'noS."

Pavel's eyes widened, and he looked down. "You're still going to marry him, aren't you?"

"I don't know." She said, looking deep into his eyes. "But I do know how you can save me." He looked up, a glint in his eyes.


"There's going to be a tournament, of many different people who want to marry me. Anyone can enter, and I can choose who wins."

"Vwhen is it?"

"In five days. I know you're hurt right now I know you're hurt right now, but I can fix that." She said, taking his hands. The mark on her wrist began to glow a warm golden color.

Then, Pavel felt warmth spread all through out his body. It was a good kind of warmth. Soon, it all centered around his abdomen, and with a slight burning feeling, it faded away.

And he was perfectly healed.

"How did you do that?!?!?" He asked, his eyes wide.

"Healing is one of my abilities, but it has never been this powerful before...... But that's not important. You need to wake up and tell Jim what I've told you. No matter what, you need to be in that tournament."

"Bit vwhat if he says I can't?"

"Steal a shuttle if you have to. But you have to be there, or I'll be stuck marrying some guy I've never met. Now wake up! Wake up!" She snapped her fingers, and just like that, his eyes opened.

Only to find Dr. McCoy staring at him as if he'd grown two heads. "What did you do?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"No time. I need to speak with the captain. Now."


"Is you're saying true?" Kirk asked, Spock and Bones at his sides.

"Yes sir. Every bit."

"Well then, looks like we need to get you started on weapons skills and combat." Jim replied, clapping Pavel on the shoulder.

"Jim, you can't possibly be serious!" McCoy whisper-yelled. "The fate of Asonia as well as her entire planet is resting on a twenty two year old. That doesn't seem very smart to me."

"For once, I concur with the doctor. This does not seem like a very logical approach."

"I trust Asonia's judgement, and I trust Pavel." Kirk argued.

"I vwill be in my room while you discuss amongst yourselves. But I vwill vwarn you, I'm going. If I have permission, or not." Pavel said, walking out. Everyone just stood there for a moment.

"That kid sure does have confidence."

"Ain't that the truth."

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