Chapter 7

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Okay, so more than 100 reads? That's awesome! Thanks guys! Okay, so here's the next chapter! Please don't hate me too much!

Also, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Maggy-Mae , I don't know if you've read this far, but you're awesome! Read her stories guys!

While sitting in the small storage cupboard, her knees up to her chest, Asonia felt the fear of what was happening finally kick in.

The Klingons were trying to kidnap her, and a lot of people died to try and stop them. Her friends, the people who cared enough to help, were risking their lives to help her now.

'What if the Klingons found them? What if they completely overtake the ship? What if they die? ' She thought, moving her hair from her eyes. The run through the engineering decks had loosened her hair from it's rubber band, until it eventually fell out. Leaving all her hair in the way.

It was currently spread out over her shoulders. She moved it all over on to one shoulder, and combed her fingers through it nervously. She couldn't hear anything outside, and it made her anxious.

Suddenly, she heard Zavier yell. His words were clear as day, and they sent a shiver down her spine. "You'll never find her you bastards!"

The high pitched whine of a phaser being fired raised the hair on the back of her neck. The heavy sound of a disruptor replied, and with a sickening thump, she heard a body hit the ground, and something smack against the door hiding her.

Asonia put her hands to her mouth, trying to slow her breathing. Her heart beating so fast, she was sure they could hear it.


"Where is the empress?"

"You'd have to kill me before I tell you!" Fareilah said, her usually calm expression erased into one of pure anger.

In one swift motion, the Klingon interrogating her slapped her across the face with a phaser. Her head jerked to the side, and she felt blood begin to flow from a fresh cut.

"You will tell me where she is, or I will kill you like I did that man!" He exclaimed, pointing at Zavier, who was laying in a pool of blood, right at the entrance to the empresses hiding spot.

Fareilah looked away, and tried to find Pavel. When they saw the Klingons running towards them, he ran off, saying he knew what to do.

But now, he was nowhere to be seen, and she only hoped that he was watching, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

There was only about six of them, and they were heavily armed. But one well thought out plan of attack was all they needed.

"I'll never tell you."

The Klingon smiled wickedly, and took out a large, serrated knife. The blade was a dark color, and it shone in the light. He pressed the blade to Fareilah's neck, and just when she thought he'd slit her throat, the whine of a phaser sounded behind them.

He turned around to find all his men laying in heaps on the ground, and a man in a yellow shirt pointing a phaser at him.

"I suggest you let the lady go." Chekov said, his voice strong.

"You are brave," the Klingon said, his eyes red with fury. "But you are not very smart."

Suddenly, Pavel heard heavy footsteps behind him. He whirled around, and before he could comprehend, the knife of a hidden Klingon impaled him through his stomach. He cried out in pain, and fell to the ground.

"Nooo!" Fareilah gasped, trying to free herself from her captor.

"You will tell me where the empress is."
Before Fareilah could open he mouth to deny him what he wanted, a familiar voice spoke.

"Why don't you turn around?" With tears running down her pale face, Asonia stepped over the body of Zavier, and stood in front of the Klingon.

"Well, look who finally showed up!"

"Tell commander Werf to stop, to leave this ship alone, and I'll come willingly."

A little ways away, Pavel moaned. "No Asonia!"

More tears fell from her eyes, but she didn't dare wipe them from her cheeks. The Klingon grabbed his communicator, and spoke to it in his native tongue.

A guttural voice replied, then, yellow lights surrounded them, and they disappeared. "No! Asonia!" Fareilah cried, but she was too late.

Her eyes landed on Pavel, and she ran to him. Blood already began to pool around him, and he was barely conscious. She pressed her hands to the wound.

Blood seeped through her fingers, and she began to panic. He mattered so much to her empress, it was one thing for her to get kidnapped. But it was another for her to be rescued and find out the man she loved was dead.

Footsteps sounded, and she looked up, expecting to see more Klingons, but instead, it was people she knew. Dr. McCoy, Spock, and Kirk ran up to them.

McCoy immediately went to work on Pavel. "Where's Asonia?" Jim asked.

"She went with them, sir." Chekov choked out, his voice weak. "She did it to save the crew."

"Dammit." Bones muttered. "We need to get him to med bay, now." With a piece of loose metal, they made a stretcher, and carried him to the lift, Fareilah followed. Unsure of what to do next.


When the yellow lights faded, Asonia found herself face to face with one of the only people she admitted to hating. Commander Werf smiled at her, his new sash shining in the dim light.
"Hello empress. It's nice to see you've decided to join us."

Asonia promptly spit in his face.

Werf's smile dropped from his face, and he wiped the spit from his eye. "Well, someone's a little feisty. Take her to her quarters." He told a pair of guards. They grabbed her by her by her arms, and dragged her to a small room with a bed.

The door slid shut, and she fell to the ground, and she cried until her head hurt, and her stomach rolled. With a final cry, she curled up in a ball, and slept on the floor. Refusing herself the comfort of a bed when so many people had died protecting her.

That night, she dreamt only of the shocked look on Zaviers face, when he took his last breaths.

Do you hate me? I completely understand if you do. Let me know what you think of this chapter!


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