Chapter 5

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Asonia lay in her bed, her long hair in a braid that snaked down her back. Her eyes were closed, but she wasn't sleeping.

Her mind was full of jumbled thoughts. But they weren't hers. Zar'gwei once said that the most powerful Zindakians could feel emotions, heal injuries, (and this is really rare) and hear thoughts.

With so many voices rolling around in her head, it hurt. She couldn't focus, she couldn't move, not even open her eyes. Asonia could feel sweat on her neck, and her face grow warm.

She'd never heard thoughts before, not like this. She would occasionally pick up a word or two, if she was lucky, a full sentence. But right now, she could hear every thought of every person on the ship.

Through it all, though, she heard one person the loudest. And he was Pavel Chekov. His thoughts revolved over his feelings, his doubts, and how beautiful he thought she was.

Asonia tried to silence all the voices. To cut her mind off from theirs. But every time she tried, it sent a shock wave of pain down her spine, and made her cringe.

She was in pain like that for an hour, before Fareilah came to check on her. When she saw her empress, curled up on her side, face warm, and covered in sweat, she didn't know what to do.

Eventually, she figured out where Dr. McCoy's room was, and she ran to it as fast as she could.

Leonard McCoy was asleep when the frantic knocks pounded on his door. He grumbled, and walked over to the door, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

He found Fareilah, a panicked look in her eyes. "You need to come! It's Asonia."

He bolted from his room the second she said those words. Barefoot, and still in his pajamas, he made it to the room in record time.

He opened the door, and turned on the light. He found Asonia laying on her side, her face deathly pale. She was covered in sweat, and her face was hot to the touch.

McCoy touched her shoulder, trying to wake her, when she gasped, and began convulsing in pain. A small scream escaped her lips. He immediately called nurse Chapel, and the captain.

The nurse arrived five minutes later, a gurney trailing behind her. She too tried to touch her, but the same thing happened. No one could even lay a finger on the empress without causing her pain.

It made trying to move her to the Med Bay extremely difficult.


Pavel Chekov dreamt he was standing on a cloud. They were orange, just like on Zindaki. He reached out, and ran his hand through the closest one.

A trail of fluff followed his hand, before turning to water droplets. It was the best dream he'd ever had.

"Pavel." A voice behind him said. He twirled around, and found Asonia standing there. Only, she looked different. Her golden eyes were a dull yellowish color, and she looked exhausted.

"Mary." A pained expression crossed her face, and he caught her before she fell. "What's wrong?"

She placed a hand to her head, her eyes closed. "I... I don't know exactly...." She mumbled. Pavel sat down, and she leaned on him, letting him hold her. She rested her head on his shoulder, her forehead touching his neck.

It was possibly the best thing for him, until he realized she was in serious pain. "It hurts." She whispered, and he noticed tears were streaming down her face. "I can hear your thoughts. I can hear everyone's. And it hurts."

Pavel wiped away her tears with his finger, and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. Asonia felt warmth spread through her body, and she opened her eyes. They were glossed over, and still dull in color, but the pained expression wasn't really there.

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met." He said, his eyes never leaving hers. "And you've stolen my heart." He kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes again, this time, her breathing changed, and she fell asleep.

They stayed that way, Asonia asleep in Pavel's arms, for another minute or two, before he finally woke up.

It was an alarm that shattered the dream completely. At least, he thought it was an alarm.

He sat up, and moved his hair from his eyes. Someone was pounding on his door. He stood up, and walked over to open it, his bones popping as he did so.

He found a very flustered nurse Chapel waiting on the other side. "You need to come with me." She said, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the lift.

She pressed the button for deck three, and they were there within two minutes. She lead him to Asonia's room, and found her laying on her back, Dr. McCoy scanning her with a Tri-Corder.

"What is wrong with her?" He asked, standing next to the older man.

"Tri-Corder scans show increased brain activity, as well as telepathic activity. No one can touch her, or it causes her pain. She's been mumbling your name for a while now."

Pavel reached out his hand, and touched her warm cheek. Instead if crying out in pain, like McCoy expected, she smiled at his touch. It was only a small grin, but a smile nonetheless.

Carefully, Chekov picked her up and set her on the waiting gurney. She never once cried out. They took her to the Med bay, where she was hooked up to different different machines, and given a sedative help her sleep.

Pavel stayed with her the entire time, holding her hand. It reminded him of when she was in a coma, he had visited her every day then, he talked to her, waiting for her to wake up.

And when she did, it was the best thing ever, because he realized just how much he cared for her. He still cared for her, if anything, more than before.

He stayed with Asonia all night. She woke up the next morning feeling different. Her muscles ached slightly, but the real change was in her mind.

She could now hear thoughts, without pain. She could open and close her mind to them as she pleased. It was a weird feeling, but she quickly got used to it.

As of that moment, she knew it was an important ability. One that redefined who she was, and just how powerful she thought she was.

And another chapter!

What do you guys think? I need an honest answer. What do think will change now that she's gained a powerful ability? How will it affect her?

Let me know what you think! And don't forget to vote!


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