Chapter 2

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Asonia sighed, and sat back in her throne. Only an hour left until the Enterprise made it to Zindaki, and she was extremely bored."Zaclyn, do you have an extra PADD?"

"No, empress, I do not."

"A book?" She asked, resting her head against her hand, propped up by her elbow on the arm rest.


Asonia sighed. Usually she'd have meetings to attend. Laws to pass. Schools to open. At least something to think about when she's sitting doing nothing.

But her whole day had been cleared for the arrival of the Enterprise. So other than packing her bags and eating lunch, she'd done nothing.

"How much longer until they come?"

"About thirty minutes, Asonia." Fareilah replied, she looked pretty bored.

"Well, this is boring."

"Agreed." The other two said simultaneously. It was going to be a long wait.


Chekov sat at his console, tapping his foot anxiously. Twenty more minutes until the expected arrival time, and he was more than nervous to see Mary again.

He tapped different buttons in tune to his foot, working out a math problem. Everyone kept looking at Pavel with annoyed looks. But no one said anything.

Everyone was a little anxious. It wasn't everyday that they knew the empress of an entire planet. Not to mention they had to safely transport her there and back. A round trip that took more than four weeks.

Anyone would be nervous about that.

"Chekov! I swear, if you don't stop that tapping I will personally walk over there and tape your legs to the chair!" Jim yelled, and Pavel turned bright red.

"Sorry sir. I guess I'm a little anxious."

"Trust me, we all are. Why don't you head down to the transporter room and make sure everything is ready."

"Yes sir." A women with short hair took his place, and he headed to the lift. He ran a full check on the transporter, then he waited.

Within ten minutes, the captain, McCoy, Scotty and Spock all walked in. Scotty went to the controls, and everyone looked at Pavel.

"You comin' Chekov?"

"Am I allowed to?"

"Why else would you be here?"

Chekov smiled and walked on to the platform. He always thought it looked weird. With the strange circles above him that rearranged his atoms and molecules to let them travel through open space with out dying. If he really thought about it, it was a freaky thing.

Scotty nodded at Jim, and Kirk nodded back. "Alright. Energize." Then, within a few seconds, they were surrounded by yellow lights.


Asonia sat, still bored, when the yellow lights appeared. She smiled excitedly and sat up. Fareilah, having never seen a transporter beam before, jumped in front of her.

Her big frame completely blocked Asonia.

Kirk looked around, then his eyes locked on the throne. "Uh, hi. I'm Jim, captain of the Enterprise, I'm here to escort the empress to some meetings?"

Asonia put her hands on Fareilah's shoulder, and poked her head over. Their eyes met, and she smiled even more. "Jim!" She ran down the steps that led to the throne and hugged him.

"Hehe, hey kiddo. Look at you, all grown up." Kirk replied, releasing her from the hug.

"Hey, I'm twenty years old. I'm not a kid anymore." She laughed, and Jim nodded sarcastically. She spotted everyone else, and smiled even more. "Bones! Spock!" She hugged both of them as well, even though the tall Vulcan squirmed the entire time. That was when she noticed Chekov.

He'd gotten taller, and his face had some stubble. But he was still the same Pavel.

The instant Chekov saw her, his jaw dropped. Even though she had that makeup on, and the robes, she was still the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

Her face was painted completely white, and her lips were red. Her eyes were lined with black, and she had a small amount of sparkly gold eye-shadow.

Her hair, which was really long, was flowing freely down her back, and stopped just at her hips. The headdress she wore had big blue and agrees gems.
She looked like a princess.

"Hi Pavel."

"Hello Mary." He said, and they awkwardly hugged.

"I go by Asonia now. That is my real name....."

"You'll always be Mary to me. No matter what your bloodline says." He replied, and Mary blushed, though, he only saw it on her neck.

From across the room, Zaclyn cleared his throat. "Oh! Right. Guys, this is my royal advisor Zaclyn. And this is Fareilah."

"It is an honor to meet you. As you know, I'm captain Jim Kirk. And this is my first officer Spock, my head doctor Leonard McCoy, and our navigator, lieutenant Pavel Chekov."

"Welcome to my planet guys. Would you like a tour of the palace?"

"Of course."

"Well come on then!" Asonia said, walking down the hall, the others followed. She pointed out different tapestries and paintings, and their meanings.

"So, how have you been little red?" McCoy asked, and she smiled.

"I've been okay. Kind of bored waiting for you. Though, according to Zaclyn, I've been doing a pretty good job." She replied, showing them the dining room, and meeting room.

All through the tour, Spock and Zaclyn talked in the back. They were very similar in both height, intelligence, and eyebrow raising. It made both Asonia and Jim laugh.

She took them to the balcony, and they looked out at the orange clouds, and huge city. "The clouds are orange?" McCoy asked, and Asonia nodded.

"It's the dust in the atmosphere."

"So, are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah, just need to grab my bags. Fareilah could you get them?"

"Yes, miss. I will be right back." Fareilah walked to a different hall to grab the bags, a smile on her face.

Fareilah didn't really like pretending to be a servant, but that was the deal. People shouldn't know who the bodyguard is, that would ruin whole plan.

She came back with both her own, and Asonias bags. They went back to the throne room, and Jim took out his communicator. "Kirk to Enterprise."

"Enterprise here."

"Seven to beam up."

"All right. Locking you on now."

"Bye Zaclyn, I'll be back soon!"

"Goodbye empress. Stay-" his farewell was cut off by yellow lights, and they disappeared. "Safe."

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