Jealousy (Nijimura x reader)

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Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't updated anything in a while but I have been super busy with my school work and with my family. I would have updated sooner if I had time and had an idea about what character I wanted to do, and then I got a request which helped. Thank you so much.

This request is from Mikeila_Mika

I hope you enjoy it guys :)


It was a normal day at school and like usual you tried, key word tried to concentrate (subject, art, book), but unfortunately a certain someone was bothering you. Haizaki the player bad boy.

"Come on (F/N)-chan just one date, you know you want to" Oh how you wish to wipe that smirk off of his face. He had been bothering you for about 10 minutes about going on a date with him. You finally couldn't take it anymore and stood up turning towards Him.

"I'm sorry but as much as I would like to go on a date with you I can't because I'm already seeing someone" and with that you walked off with your (book, or sheet, etc).

-time skip to after school-

You made your way to the gym to go and see your childhood friend and crush, Nijimura. Opening the door you look around and you then spot him talking with the all mighty Hiazaki, turning your attention back to Nijimura you see that his face is covered with his bangs and he has an angry expression. You then walk over to the both of them and as you do Hiazaki notices your presence and smirks towards you.

"Ah hello (F/N)-chan nice to see you, too bad we couldn't have gone on that date together because you already have a boyfriend" when he said that he looked over to Nijimura with a smirk really emphasising the word 'boyfriend', "Well bye have fun with your boyfriend" then he walked off.

You turned your attention back to Nijimura to see that he looked angrier than before.

"Umm Nijimura-san are you ok" and with that he snapped. He grabbed your arm and ran out of the gym with you. You were stunned to see him act like this towards you, he is usually always calm. Nijimura kept running until you both where in a place with no one else and then he stopped, swung around and pushed you against a wall with both of his hands on either side of your head.

You where about to speak when you where cut off by Nijimura.

"Who is he?"

"Who do you mean?"

"Your boyfriend! Who is he?!" this time when he said it he looked into your eyes, his eyes like a fierce tiger's.

"I don't have a boyfriend"

"Wha- but Haizaki said that you had one"

"I only said that so that he would leave me alone, why do you care anyway?"

You looked straight into his eyes, as he then averted his. He then backed away and mumbled something that you couldn't hear.

"Nijimura-san what was that?"

"Argh I can't take it anymore" and with that said he reached forward and grabbed you around the waist pulling your body to his.

"I love you ok" he whispered in your ear then he pulled his head back and kissed you roughly on the lips, you stood there shocked for a minute before kissing him back, it would have lasted longer if you didn't need to break for air. He then pulled back and placed his forehead on top of yours while looking you directly in the eyes. You looked back and smiled up at him.

"I love you too" reaching up on your tippy toes you kissed him again, before pulling back to see a blush form on his face.

You guys stood there for a little bit longer while talking and sharing some more kisses before you both headed back to the gym. Once you made it back and you opened the door everyone was looking at you then down at your in twined hands. Nijimura then looked over to Haizaki and shouted proudly.

"I Nijimura Shuzo am proud to say that I am (F/N)-san's boyfriend" You looked up to him and blushed while the rest of the guys in the gym laughed and congratulated the both of you.

He was such an idiot, your idiot.


Well guys I hope you liked it and I tried to make Nijimura like his character as in personality wise but it was just a bit hard. Anyway I had fun making this chapter and thank you again Mikeila_Mika for requesting.

Request's are open for everybody so please don't feel scared to request and with your request I am happy to take in a theme or subject if you have one you would like.

Until next time AngelMemory

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