Catch me if you can (Aomine x reader)

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As soon as you herd the girl scream GO, you raced off fall force. You were a street racer and you were currently in a race.

The car you drove was a (F/T/C) (fav type car), it was the colour (F/C) with (S/F/C) (second fav colour) stripes running from the front of the car to the back.

You were half way through the race when you saw blue and red flashing lights in your review mirror. You took a sharp turn to the right leaving the race. No way we're you getting arrested. You could still see the flashing lights which meant that the cop car was following you. When you looked back on the road you realised that you were headed towards a wire fence. Quickly turning the steering wheel and putting your foot on the break you stopped just a cm before hitting the fence.

Your car door was suddenly pulled open and a gun was pointed at you. "Get out of the car" said a deep, but masculine voice. You unbuckled your seat belt and got out the car. He then ruffly turns you around and pushes you against your car and placing handcuffs on your wrists.

In about half an hour you were at the police station being asked questions by the said cop that caught you. He was getting frustrated because you wouldn't answer his questions. "Why won't you cooperate?" he yelled angrily at you. "Because I don't need to, plus I don't want to" you replied with a smug voice. He had had enough of your attitude so he just released you but kept your car with its keys so that you couldn't race again. Which you thought was a dump idea but you didn't say anything. I mean what street racer only has the one racing car?.

-Time skip-

It had been at least 3 months and the same cop, which you found out that his name was 'Aomine Daiki' had arrested you 27 times for street racing or just being around street races. You found it quite fun teasing him and letting him catch you. After a while you had started to gain feelings for him.

As we speak you were currently being chased by Aomine again. You made a left purposely so that you would drive into a dead end ally way. You got out of your car and put your hands up "I surrender" you said as Aomine got out of his car. "This is the 28th time I've caught you in 3 months, it's unbelievable that you don't learn your lesson after this many times". He started to walk over to you, turning you around and was about to put you in handcuffs, when you quickly turned and put your palms on his cheeks and kissed him on the lips. You could tell that he was shocked since he didn't move at all. You pulled back and said "I love you". Suddenly you were pulled against his body and his lips were ruffly on yours. "I love you too my rule breaker" he said after pulling apart from you. He then picked you up bridal style and put you in his police car.

That night he didn't drive you to the police station but to his house. And you had a fun time afterwards.

-Time skip to 3 years later-

You had been living with Daiki for 3 years now and you got married 2 years ago. You now had a son called (S/N). Today was Valentine's Day so you decided to make chocolate and dinner for both of your boys. It was 7:30 and Daiki just got home from work to find a table full of delicious food with a tray full of heart shaped chocolate at the seat of the table where he sits. You hugged him from behind and said "Happy Valentine's Day Daiki". He turned around and gave you a passionate kiss "did you do all of this" he asked with a smile "Yep" you replied.

Soon after Daiki had changed you, Daiki and your son ate dinner, with you of course helping your son. Then for sweets you had the chocolate you made.

And you all had fun afterwards by playing games and watching movies.


That is a rap people's.

Happy Valentine's Day to all of the lovely readers out there. I hope that you are all having fun with your life's of being in a relationship and celebrating, and if your a single Pringle like me then you can do what I'm gonna do, stay at home and celebrate by myself while watching anime. Yayyyy!!! Plus eating a lot of yummy munchies.

Ok so I don't know who to do next so it will be a surprise. And don't forget that I am taking requests for characters.

Don't forget to vote please.

Until next time


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