The Wolf and Little Red (Kotaro x reader)

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You're the Wolf and I'm Little Red!


You had just finished packing your basket full of food and drink for your Grandma, that just so happened to be living in the woods. As you were about to walk out the door you herd your mother call you "(F/N) you forgot your coat, here you are". She walked up to you and placed the coat on your shoulders and tied it up at the front. Your coat was a fiery red colour. "Now make sure that you go straight to Grandma's house and that you don't stop to talk to anyone ok?" "Yes mother" you said with a smile and then left the house.


You were walking in the woods and then you heard a wolf howl. You looked around and saw a black shadow among the trees. Suddenly the shadow moved forward and came into the clearing. You had a slight blush on your face as you saw what or who the shadow was. It was a tall man about your age, with bright blonde, orange hair. He had the same colored wolf ears and tail. You were about to say something when your mothers words replayed in your head 'Don't stop to talk to anyone ok' . You then decided to turn and run off down the trail to your Grandma's house.


You had made it to your Grandma's house safely and back, without bumping into the Wolf man again. You couldn't stop thinking about him, so every day you would go to your Grandma's house and back, hoping to see him again. After a while you had began to realize that a shadow had always been following you, but you would act like you didn't know that he was there. You had come to a fork in the trail like you always did and chose to go the longer way to your Grandma's house and like always he would follow.


I wanna meet you, I wanna touch you, I wanna talk to you but it's unthinkable.

Why did you haft to be, why did I haft to be, the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.


You were walking in the woods again and decided to rest under a tree. After a little while of resting you had fallen asleep. As you were sleeping a certain wolf had come forward and was kneeling in front of you. He reached out and brushed your (H/C) bangs behind your ear and leaned in, just as he was about to kiss you your eyes fluttered open and you looked up at him. He was about to pull back when you had reached up and placed a hand on his cheek. You were both blushing madly and were both moving in closer. As you were about to kiss the Wolf was suddenly pulled back and thrown into a nearby tree. You looked up to see the Farman. "(F/N) what do you think you are doing! Run I'll take down this beast" "No" you yelled and run up to stand in front of the wolf. You quickly grabbed his arm and ran through the forest. After a while of running you had come to a clearing near a stream and you had carefully placed the wolf down on a rock. Ripping off some of your dress you wet it in the stream and came back over to the wolf. You wiped the dirt off of his face and looked into his Golden eyes. "I'm sorry" you said as you looked down. Your face was then gently brought up as soft lips were placed onto yours. "I love you and you don't need to be sorry" he said as he pulled back. "I love you too" you said as both of you kissed again.


The Wolf and Little Red!


Ok so that's a rap and I hope that you liked it.

I am taking requests if you have one just comment who you want and I will try and make you one.

I have been in a fairy tale mood so I thought of making one and my future ones will most likely be fairy tale ones he he :) hope you don't mind.

Don't forget to Vote, comment, etc, and remind yourself that you guys are awesome!!!

Well until next time


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