The Jerk Actor & His Nerdy Apprentice [6]

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Part Six


Watching Kayla trying to rap was probably one of the funniest things. Not that she looked stupid, it's just weird seeing a girl rapping to Hollywood Undead or Eminem, you know? Besides 'Love The Way You Lie' and 'Not Afraid' of course, 'cause everyone's a wannabe. They just like those songs because they were new and popular. But, Kayla listens to the old stuff, or the unknown stuff to anyone around us. In Arkansas, apparently. No one here seems to know any good music.

It was also odd because, first look to Kayla, and you see an innocent little nerd girl with large glasses and pigtails. Seeing her sing every single word in those songs.. It just seems abnormal to hear any curse words leave her mouth. But I guess that's when that saying comes in; don't judge a book by its cover.

We were in her car, as she was driving me and Melanie to another 'date'. I cringe at even the thought of the word. I loathed Melanie. I never thought that any girl could be that snotty, or just plain embarrassing. Since she chose to constantly act like this, she got to sit in the back seat, while Kayla and I sat in the front seats.

It's been a week since I found Kayla at the cemetery, and we had our limited 'heart to heart'. We had become just about friends; as close to friends as an assistant could be to her movie star that she was observing. One day, I had asked her why she liked they kind of music that she did, knowing she would have a detailed reason behind it.

"Well," she had began. "When I grew up, my parents loved all types of rock and screamo. Then, growing up around a pop surrounded world, I grew to like each combined from all influences. Then, my tastes change often, and I have obsession stages." Before I could ask, she explained. "That's when I'm obsessed with one song and/or band for a while, though I still love all the others." I simply nodded, leaving it at that.

Melanie's agent suggested that we go to the park, much to my displeasure. Luckily, Kayla could tag along with us, so I wouldn't be left alone with the witch. "I don't know why you hate parks so much." Kayla said out of the blue, bringing me out of mid-thought. I looked at her quizzically, noticing that she had turned the music down to background music. "Today is a sunny day, it's actually nice weather. And when you see a park, what do you think of?"

"A bunch of kids making a mess, getting sand in your shoes, falling off the tree or getting stuck on the monkey bars." She snickered at my last thought, though she tried hard to swallow it. "I don't know, I've never really gone to a park, except for, like, twice. When my parents wanted to spend 'quality time' and failing at it." I sigh.

She snorted. "Well, trust me, this time will not be a fail." She smiled, knowing that the thought of my parents was painful by itself, and trying to lighten the mood.


As soon as we arrived to the park, I realized how truly deserted it was. Guess it's not such a good place selected for publicity. Oh well, an empty park was a fun park. I heard Alex sigh at the desertedness, Melanie had a bored and slightly peeved expression. I guess she didn't care about anything to do with Alex, nor I, if it didn't have to do with getting more famous.

"Ah, shucks, it's empty. Oh wells." I said, shutting down the car in the lot, unbuckled myself, and jumped out; slamming the door behind me as I ran full speed to the monkey bars. I heard a faint male chuckle from behind me, but I ignored it, going up to the faded green monkey bars that went this way and that. I climbed the ladder, getting on top of the bars, and crawled all the way to the beginning point on the other end, jumping on a pair of metal stairs near the end.

I looked over to see Alex on a tire swing, spinning like there's no tomorrow, a large grin on his face. Melanie was sulking on a regular swing, a scowl across her bubblegum lip glossed lips, as she looked out towards the direction of the city.

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