Holidays with the Hudson's

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*three years later
Rachel POV
It is officially Christmas time and Bridget is three years old. Finn and I are just in love with her, she is literally the cutest kid ever. I'm so happy Finn and I are together with Bridget. It's been great, and as usual, Bridget is daddy's little girl. But, Finn loved Bridget so much he knocked me up, again. Damn Finn, can't keep it in his pants. I am officially one month pregnant with our second child. Anyways right now is a time for joy and celebration. Noah, Santana, Britney, Sam, and his girlfriend Mercedes are coming over. I finished making dinner and now I'm on desert. Finn is in the living room with Noah and Bridget is sitting with them. Noah, loves Bridget too. Everyone does.
Finn POV
Today is Christmas and all our friends are coming over for dinner. It's Bridget's third Christmas, and she told me it's already her, 'mostest favorites day' . She is so adorable. Noah and sam always come around and give her presents. Sometimes sam brings my daughter cars, but we appreciate the effort. Santana and Britney are always taking her shopping. Last month we found out Rachel is pregnant, again. At first Rachel was mad, and threw her hairbrush at me yelling, "ahh, you suck!!! You keep getting me pregnant, and I don't want to give birth again!!!". Santana just told me to pray those were the hormones. I was so happy that I get to make another adorable baby with Rachel.....even if she wasn't at the moment.

"Daddy, cans we get food" Bridget whined tugging at my shirt

I looked at her big chocolate brown eyes that look exactly like Rachel's, and I just couldn't refuse

"Alright, come on" I said picking her up and heading toward the smell of Rachel's delicious cooking
Rachel POV
I was checking the cake when I heard someone licking their fingers, I turn only to see Finn kneeling down while holding Bridget and taking some of my frosting. I clear my throat while crossing my arms. Both Finn and Bridget slowly look up while liking the fingers.

"Care to explain mr" I say
"Well, you see our daughter needed something to fill her belly, and so did her dad" Finn Said standing up with Bridget
"And a healthy snack wasn't an option?" I say
"No, nots really mommy," Bridget interrupted

I just walked closer, because she's just like Finn, all about food.

"Really munchkin" I said smiling at her cuteness

She looked kind of scared and extended her arms pulling me in

"Did I's ever tell you, yous the best mommy Evers!" Bridget said still hugging me

I just looked at Finn and smiled, because I know he taught her what to say when I'm angry. He just smirked while still holding Bridget, he kissed my lips while Bridget still held my neck. I heard a little

"I so happy I see the fridge instead"

Finn and I just laughed. Leave it to Bridget to say that.

"Hey rach, Finn, everyone's here!" Noah yelled

We walked to the living room to see both couples brought a bunch of presents. They all looked so nice. Although I told them not to bring presents. We usually just eat dinner and take a picture ever year, and they always do the same thing, bring presents.

"No matter how many times you tell us rach, we'll never listen" Santana said hugging me
"Yeah, I know" I said hugging back
"Auntie Sannie!" Bridget yelled
"Hey mini Hudson" Santana said hugging her
"What am I, chopped liver?" Sam said extending his arms out

Bridget jumped away from Santana and ran toward sam.

"No way Uncle Sam!" Bridget yelled

"Alright let's get this picture done with I'm hungry!" Finn yelled
"Agreed" Bridget said

I just rolled my eyes, of course they want food already. We all set up on the couch. Santana and Britney held each other on the left side, Mercedes and sam sit next to each other close, while Finn kisses my cheek with Bridget sitting on my lap in the middle. This year we have someone to send it too.
Each year on Christmas Burt and Kurt and I light a candle an honor of Finn. Everyone thinks he's dead, but we light in hopes he somewhere safe. I just want to see my baby one more time, at least to know he's ok. Christmas was his favorite holiday. It's been three years since he supposedly passed, but he can still comeback. Kurt was with his boyfriend on the couch when Burt heard the doorbell, I told him I'd go get it. I opened it to see a mailman, he handed me a card. I was so confused

"What is it Carol?" Burt ask me
"I don't know" I say
"Open it" Kurt says

I open it and I just cover my mouth in joy. I smile so wide I think my face will fall off. I show the picture to the boys. It has two girls on a couch sitting together in each other's arms, and sam with a curvy black girl on the other side, and in the middle is my sweet, sweet boy kissing his beautiful wife's cheek, I see her ring, while they carry who i assume is their wonderful daughter. This is the best Christmas ever, not only is my child alive, but I have a granddaughter. It truly is a Christmas miracle, because the card says

Happy Holidays from the Hudson's and friends

Christmas is officially my favorite holiday

The end

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