The babys coming

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Rachel POV
I am officially late. I was supposed to be due last week, but this baby is being stubborn. Finn took some time off while Santana decided to help around while I'm stuck on bed rest till this baby is born. So far.....I hate it. I feel so helpless, which I'm not use to. I mean before this I was an assassin! And a damn good one. Now I'm stuck in bed having to ask for food or simply needing help to tinkle. It's so frustrating.
Finn POV
I'm kind of worried. Rachel was suppose to have the baby a week ago, and nothing. The doctor told her to be on bed rest, and to call as soon as she starts getting contractions. He said it's most likely Rachel might have to give birth at home. I'm so nervous, the baby should be here any day now. But I can tell Rachel is annoyed that she's stuck on bed rest. So to cheer her up I called Santana who brought her girlfriend to meet Rachel. They've all been getting along so far, but I can tell Rachel still hates it.
Rachel POV
I was eating some chicken and milk and watching desperate housewives while Santana and Britney kept me company. I love them and my baby, but I just wish she comes already so I don't have to see Britney and Santana PDA all over my house. I was about to get up to use the bathroom

"Woah,where you going prego?" Santana asked getting up
"To the bathroom" I replied tired
"Here let me help you" Britney said
"Uhhhhh, why won't you come out already!!!" I say toward my swollen belly

Britney and Santana just laugh.

"I'm sure the baby just needs time before coming out into the world" Santana replied helping me to the bathroom

" much more time of you need after eight months" I mumble
I use the bathroom and wash my hands. As I walk out I hear my brother and Finn talking. Santana and Britney are too busy making out to see me leave. I walk toward their voices

"I know, I can't wait till rach sees it" I hear Finn say
"Yup, she's going to love it, and so is your baby girl" Noah replies
"I know I'm so excited" Finn adds

I walk back to see a ticked off Santana. Britney looks worried

"Rachel when they say bed rest, they mean rest on your bed!" Santana says fixing my pillow
"I know" I say getting comfortable
"Then follow it!" Santana replies

Before I could answer I feel a pain in my stomach. It hurts then goes away, then a couple minutes later another pain, this time I wince

"What's wrong rachie?" Britney asks noticing
"I don't know, but I think the baby's coming" I say closing my eyes at the pain

Santana immediately grabs my bag and Britney helps me down the stairs while Santana yells

"It's time!!"

Finn and Noah come rushing down the stairs. The pain worsens as I walk more. Finally I give up and sit on the couch. I hold my belly but it still hurts like a bitch.

"I think we need to call the doctor to come here" Santana says pausing for me

"You think!???" I say holding my belly

"Noah go call the doctor, Britney grab me some hot water and Finn go get some towels and blankets with scissors" they all nod and walk away after Santana demands them too

Finn rushes back with blankets as Santana fixes pillows for me. I scream in pain because this suuucckkkkksssssss.

"Doctors on his way" Noah says rushing in
"Here's some hot water" Britney says
"And towels" Finn adds handing Santana the towels

"Ahhhhhh!!!!! When is the doctor getting here!?????" I yell holding my belly again
"Soon, I promise, but right now just relax" Santana says putting a wet towel on my sweating forehead, Finn bends down and hold my hand
"I'm right here baby" he says
"Ahhhhhh, this baby is coming now!!!" I yell as Santana lifts my legs apart
"Noah check if he's...." There was a knock interrupting Santana

In walks the doctor.

"Alright Rachel, ready?" The doctor asks preparing himself

"NO!!!" I yell back
"Alright Rachel, it's time, you need to start pushing" the doctor says looking
"I don't want to, it hurts so bad" Rachel cries
"That's why you need to push" the doctor responded
"Come on Rachel you got this" Finn said
"Shut up!!! This is all your fault!!," Rachel screams gripping his hand as she pushes
"Come on Rachel, push!" The doctor said

Rachel pushed some more and leaned back down covered in sweat

"Oh, I hate you so much Finnnnnnn" Rachel squeezed Finns hand while she pushed harder

"You're doing great," Finn said

I looked at him while pushing

"Does it look like I'm doing great??!!! This sucks!!!" Rachel yelled

"Give me one last push, Rachel, come on" the doctor said

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Rachel screamed pushing while we heard a crying fill the room
Everyone in that moment looked at the beautiful baby girl. Santana handed the doctor a blanket.the doctor smiled and asked

"Whose going to cut the umbilical cords?"

Finn just stares in awe and was so memorized so when he said

"I will" he grabbed the scissors and started crying as the doctor face the girl to him

He went over to Rachel who was lying on the couch looking tired as hell, but saw her smile as the both of them stared at their little creation. Then they saw a flash, Santana had just taken a photo of them.

"What's her name?" Noah asked still entranced

"Bridget Crystal Hudson" Rachel said cradling the baby in her arms

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