Waking up to you

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Rachel POV
I don't know where I was but I woke up to people talking. I looked around and I was on a bed, around me were computers and weapons. From my knowledge, I'd say this is a secret hideout. Only a curtain blocked the other side for me to see. I tried getting up but as soon as I did I felt dizzy. I would've shouted for assistance, but I don't know who took me or how long I've been out.
Finn POV
It's been two days and Rachel is still asleep. I check on her every day. So far we've all been hiding out here in Sam's secret house. My mom thinks I'm dead along with my stepbrother and stepdad. Santana is just presumed "missing" while sam is just on "vacation". I feel bad for Santana, her girlfriend might not be able to see her again after helping us. That's right you heard right, girlfriend, after her and sam broke up she declared she was a lesbian. It was kind of funny when sam found out. Since I am "dead" I don't have to worry about Quinn, but boy was I wrong. I was about to check on Rachel when an angry Quinn stormed in

"Where is he!?" She yelled

Sam was in the lounge are with Santana watching the news. Both had cheeto fingers and Santana looked shock to see another person.

"Where's who" sam asked
"Finn" she said pissed off, I hid behind the plant, how does she know I'm alive?
"Sam, I thought you said no one knew about this place" Santana asked
"He brought me here, when we dated" Quinn answered for sam

Sam looked down in shame, good! If Quinn knows who else knows how many girls he's brought here. Santana smacked his head and said "idiot"

"He's dead" sam said looking fake sad
"Yeah" Santana said mimicking his emotion
"No, he's not because sue just received a letter, not a body so he obviously faked his death!"
She yelled putting her hand on her hips, Damn, she got us there
"Have you told anyone else your ridiculous theory looney toon?" Santana asked not amused
"no" Quinn replied even more mad, if that's even possible
"why do you care anyway Quinn? You didn't even notice he was gone" Sam asked crossing his arms now
"Sue told me he went on another mission and didn't know when he'd be back! When I heard the news about you and him I came here" Quinn said frustrated
"Well he's not here" Santana said
I walked out because sam and I both know Quinn wasn't going to leave until she was right.
"Yes I am" I said walking out
"Finny, you're ok!" Quinn said running up to me hugging me, I didn't hug back
Rachel POV
With all the talking go on, I did my best but I got up. It took all the strength I had, and I stole some scissors from the desk, just to be sure. I walked out to see this blonde chick hugging a rather familiar tall guy. His back was facing me and her face was looking toward me her face hardened.

"Finny whose that?" She said pulling away, eww finny, really?

He turned around to see me and his face that was full of sadness and frustration turned to happiness when he saw me. He ran toward me pulling me into his embrace, I dropped the scissors because if Finns alive and I'm here, than we're probably going to be ok. I hugged him back because I was surprised he was alive.

"You're alive" I whispered hugging him
"So are you" he said squeezing me tighter, our moment was interrupted by her annoying voice
"What the hell Finn!??" She screeched
"Oh give it up, barbie, you were obviously a rebound" Santana said, I let go of Finn and ran toward San
"San! What are you doing here?" I said hugging her
"I'm here saving your sorry butt!" She chuckled
"Hey I'm the one who found her!" a blonde guys said
"Whatever sam" Santana replied rolling her eyes

We let go and I went over to tell sam thank you. I glanced at Quinn and Finn since apparently they're dating, and Quinn was practically steaming fumes from her ears while Finn looked jealous of me approaching sam. I did the only thing to thank sam, I hugged him. If Finn can date than so can I! Since I clearly am interrupting a conversation I let go of a smiling sam.

"Excuse me, I'll let you guys continue talking, sorry for interrupting" I said backing away, 

both Finn and sam had lust in their eyes while Santana was smirking at me capturing both boys attention, and Quinn looked pissed off. I was walking away when I saw the scissors so I picked them up.

"Sorry, I'll take these" I said smiling and going back to bed
"Yeah, keep walking whore" Quinn said making everyone turn heads, including me, so I walked back toward her
"If I were you, I wouldn't piss me off, I wasn't number one for nothing " I told her

shoving the scissors in her face, I may be weak but that doesn't stop me from beating the crap out of someone, she looked scared, but then she said

"Bite me"

I was about to shove the scissor in her eye, when I felt two big arms pull me away into the room and set me down on the bed. I was kind of angry, who does she think she is?

"I had that" I said looking at the bed
"No, you were about to stab her" his voice said, amused
I looked up to the familiar voice
"And that would be a bad thing? Oh wait it would for you since she's your girlfriend! Well congrats for you don't let me stop you from having a wonderful life with little miss prom queen plastic" I ranted
Quinn POV
Ew, I saw the way that thing was hugging Finn. I came here so we could live our lives together and then she comes and has to ruin it! I hate everyone here, satan, or "Santana" whatever they call her, my ex sam whose in idiot, and then her. If she thinks she can take my Finn, then she is crazy, because he loves me

Rachel is pretty hot, especially angry. But I can't do anything with her, Finn and her are complicated, but they love each other. Plus I do sort of miss Santana, but she's a lesbian now, how unconveniant and Quinn, well she's just annoying, there's a reason we broke up. Damn all these women and they're all either into Hudson or girls!

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